A Quote by Albert Einstein

One who scorns the power of intuition will never rise above the ranks of journeyman calculator. — © Albert Einstein
One who scorns the power of intuition will never rise above the ranks of journeyman calculator.
The planes of light give you the power to rise above circumstance, the power to rise above your desires and your aversions.
If you go to the city of Washington, and you examine the pages of the Congressional Directory, you will find that almost all of those corporation lawyers and cowardly politicians, members of Congress, and misrepresentatives of the masses - you will find that almost all of them claim, in glowing terms, that they have risen from the ranks to places of eminence and distinction. I am very glad that I cannot make that claim for myself. I would be ashamed to admit that I had risen from the ranks. When I rise it will be with the ranks, and not from the ranks.
When I rise it will be with the ranks, and not from the ranks.
Power is something that is not really visible. Some people have the power to rise above circumstance. Sociological factors and DNA are not all that determine success. It is power.
If you will not rise above the things of this world, they will rise above you.
The idea of a journeyman actor, people sort of say negatively - "Someone who never made it for real" - [but] I think a journeyman actor is the complete goal.
We will never bring peace at the hands of war. As a species we have to rise above it.
You will never rise above the image you have of yourself in your own mind.
It is always legitimate to wish to rise above one's self, never above others.
There’s only one power in the world great enough to help us rise above the difficult things we face: the power of God.
I'm a journeyman actor. My experience as a journeyman actor is that you have to go where the work is. I've never been the lead; I've never been in that position.
Truth will rise above falsehood as oil above water.
I have an intuition, and usually my intuition is right. I have a feeling for whether a role will be good or bad for me, and I almost never make a mistake.
We had some adverse conditions in the '60s, in the '70s and the '80s. The agency has risen above that in the past and will rise above that again.
Let us rise above the things that pass away. Up above, the air is so pure. Jesus can hide Himself but we will find Him there.
There are always things that you see that are pretty tough, sure. But what keeps you going is when you see people rise above toughness and rise above really hard conditions, and make something of it.
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