A Quote by Alberto Del Rio

Wrestling is to go out there and perform and make people believe that either of the performers in the ring can win - either the bad guy or the good guy. — © Alberto Del Rio
Wrestling is to go out there and perform and make people believe that either of the performers in the ring can win - either the bad guy or the good guy.
When I started out in wrestling, you have to start somewhere and you either start being the good guy or the bad guy. There is several cliches that follow that.
In the ring, it's fun to be the bad guy, but 24 hours a day, when you have to talk to kids, and you see Make-A-Wish kids that love you, the bad guy stuff is not fun. I'd rather be a good guy 24 hours a day than a bad guy just for a few minutes in the ring.
Wrestling fans are the best, because they are so loyal. You can play on emotion. The good guy gets knocked down, and the bad guy takes advantage. And the good guy comes back from the very bottom to make that explosive comeback and overcome.
I loved wrestling, and I wanted to go out and entertain people and all that stuff, so I get trained, and when they decided, 'Hey, you're ready for a match, and you've got to start thinking about a character,' I was thinking this guy and this guy, and they go, 'No, no, no - you're a Muslim. You've got to be a bad guy.'
I don’t make the decision about what percentage of good guy or bad guy I play. For some reason, if I put my energy into the bad guy, that scares people. It’s magic.
I don't make the decision about what percentage of good guy or bad guy I play. For some reason, if I put my energy into the bad guy, that scares people. It's magic.
I think, very often, we're addicted to procedurals, those good guy/bad guy shows, and the 'problem' with procedurals is they all follow the same formula: The bad guy does his thing, the good guy goes after him, and in most cases, the good guy figures out who did it and catches him.
I don't believe that there's a good guy and a bad guy. Unless it's like Superman or Batman, there is no good guy and bad guy.
When you get down to it, wrestling is wrestling, and when you get in the ring and start performing, it's up to you and the guy you're in there with to do it and perform it.
Everyone likes to be the heel. Everyone wants to be the bad guy. I mean, I love being the bad guy, but the crowd doesn't want me to be a bad guy. In real life, I'm too much of a good guy to be a bad guy.
Out in the WWE ring, we have to play so much bad guy, good guy, don't talk to your competitors, but backstage, you'll see that we're all really close, and it affects us.
So it didn't matter to me whether it was the serious guy or the comedy guy, if I was getting people involved and invested in watching wrestling then it's a win-win situation for both of us.
One of the last things that my dad and I discussed, and it sticks with me today, is that he no longer believed in the concept of Good Guy/Bad Guy. He believed in the idea that one guy is trying to beat the other. However, he would say, 'You can be a Good Guy/Bad Guy, or you can just be a star.'
The problem was, you couldn't have one without the other. There couldn't be a bad guy unless there was a good guy to create the standard. And there couldn't be a good guy until a bad guy showed just how far off the path he might stray.
You know, I think a lot of times what happens when we as actors know we're playing a bad guy is we get into bad guy mode. You know what, man? In real life, bad people do good things too and good people do bad things. So you don't necessarily have to be the stereotypical bad guy to still do bad things.
The good thing about Pittsburgh, it's a good place to be raised... it doesn't tolerate assholes. You're either a good guy or you're a bad guy... When I'm in Los Angeles having these incredibly surreal moments where nobody's saying anything and everybody's talking incessantly, I always have that Pittsburgh voice in my head - shut up, smile, get the job, move on.
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