A Quote by Alberto Villoldo

The visible and invisible worlds are inextricably intertwined... once you’ve opened your eyes to this, 
 you can dance between them. — © Alberto Villoldo
The visible and invisible worlds are inextricably intertwined... once you’ve opened your eyes to this, you can dance between them.
Man is a bridge between the two worlds - the visible and the invisible.
With One Spirit Medicine , you will discover how to dance between the visible, physical world of the senses and everyday tasks, and the invisible world of Spirit. You will be like the graceful jaguar, the balancing force of the rain forest who serves as an intermediary between the seen and unseen worlds as it journeys beyond death into eternity.
A stage play ought to be the point of intersection between the visible and invisible worlds, or, in other words, the display, the manifestation of the hidden.
Visible things can be invisible. However, our powers of thought grasp both the visible and the invisible – and I make use of painting to render thoughts visible.
once your eyes get opened to pacifism, you can't shut them again. Once you see it, you can't unsee it. You may bitterly regret the fact that you happen to be one of the tiny minority of the human race who have caught this angle of vision, but you can't help it.
Art and commerce are not irreconciliable, they are inextricably intertwined.
Good politics are often inextricably intertwined.
Frankly, health care and politics are "inextricably intertwined."
Frankly, health care and politics are 'inextricably intertwined.'
What is important to me in my work is the identity that is hidden behind so-called reality. I search for a bridge from the given present tot the invisible, rather as a famous cabalist once said, 'If you wish to grasp the invisible, penetrate as deeply as possible into the visible'.
Once I opened my eyes to the realities of life, I couldn't close them.
Legal and illegal activities had become inextricably intertwined.
When the boy begins to understand that the visible point is preceded by an invisible point, that the shortest distance between two points is conceived as a straight line before it is ever drawn with pencil and paper...the fountain of all thought has been opened to him...the philosopher can reveal him nothing new, as a geometrician he has discovered the basis of all thought.
Do you remember, the night of the battle on Valentine's ship, when I needed some of your strength?" "Do you need it again now?" Alec said. "Because you can have it." "I always need your strength, Alec," Magnus said, and closed his eyes as their intertwined fingers began to shine, as if between them they held the light of a star.
The struggle against patriarchy and racism must be substantively robust and inextricably intertwined.
Mime makes the invisible, visible and the visible, invisible.
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