A Quote by Aldous Huxley

Official dignity tends to increase in inverse ratio to the importance of the country in which the office is held. — © Aldous Huxley
Official dignity tends to increase in inverse ratio to the importance of the country in which the office is held.
Now of the difficulties bound up with the public in which we doctors work, I hesitate to speak in a mixed audience. Common sense in matters medical is rare, and is usually in inverse ratio to the degree of education.
A promise is binding in the inverse ratio of the numbers to whom it is made.
Every increase of needs tends to increase one's independence on outside forces over which one cannont have control and therefore increases existential fear
The value of an ad is in inverse ratio to the number of times it has been used.
The quality of moral behavior varies in inverse ratio to the number of human beings involved.
There are many people making a difference. I mean, Dr. King never held an office. Gandhi never held an office. There are people who are archetypes in our society who have never held office and made a difference.
[P]opulation, when unchecked, goes on doubling itself every twenty-five years, or increases in a geometrical ratio. ... [T]he means of subsistence, under circumstances the most favorable to human industry, could not possibly be made to increase faster than in an arithmetical ratio.
When you have your own bus, then you have dignity. When you have your own school, you have dignity. When you have your own country, you have dignity.When you have something of your own, you have dignity. But whenever you are begging for a chance to participate in that which belongs to someone else, or use that which belongs to someone else, on an equal basis with the owner, that's not dignity. That's ignorance.
... the danger of illicit sex influences is, and always has been, in inverse proportion to the degree to which women approximatedto equality with men, in social dignity and in opportunity for public responsibility.
You know, you're a classic example of the inverse ratio between the size of the mouth and the size of the brain.
In any country, corruption tends to increase when more respectable means of social advancement break down.
I have always loved solitude, a trait which tends to increase with age.
That reminds me to remark, in passing, that the very first official thing I did, in my administration-and it was on the first day of it, too-was to start a patent office; for I knew that a country without a patent office and good patent laws was just a crab, and couldn't travel any way but sideways or backways.
The First Lady is such a fascinating office to hold. You're not elected, but it's very much official. You can see the latitude of power of that office.
It is obvious to any observer that in every western country the increase of importance of public schools has been at least coincident with the relaxation of older family ties.
The necessity for external government to man is in an inverse ratio to the vigor of his self-government. Where the last is most complete, the first is least wanted. Hence, the more virtue the more liberty.
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