A Quote by Alex Grey

Love, consciousness, and creativity are the highest refinements of the cosmic evolutionary force. — © Alex Grey
Love, consciousness, and creativity are the highest refinements of the cosmic evolutionary force.
The universe is founded in consciousness and guided by it. The final reality is Universal Consciousness. The Supreme Consciousness is Omnipresent. Its evolutionary powers pervade the entire Universe. All processes of Nature are governed by the laws of this Absolute Force.
Considering that we live in an era of evolutionary everything---evolutionary biology, evolutionary medicine, evolutionary ecology, evolutionary psychology, evolutionary economics, evolutionary computing---it was surprising how rarely people thought in evolutionary terms. It was a human blind spot. We look at the world around us as a snapshot when it was really a movie, constantly changing.
The highest force in existence is consciousness, and you are that.
Everywhere you see in creation there is Divine love. Love is the highest force, the greatest force, and the simplest
The consciousness of the supreme Purusha remains above, but in the mind there may be a Purusha consciousness which they call the cosmic consciousness - it is wide, all-pervading, one. Outside this goes on the play of Prakriti.
Creativity permeates the cosmos. It is the driving force that sustains the particles, the stars and galaxiesit surges through the body with each beat of the heart. We all have access to creativity. At times, we summon it to use in our work and daily livesit can arrive in a dreamor it may result from a long struggleit can appear as a sudden, dramatic insightOne thing is certain — Creativity is ever present. It is a force to be enjoyed or endured but above all celebrated. Creativity is free, alive and spontaneous.
We — mankind — stand at the center of an evolutionary crisis, with a new evolutionary device — our consciousness of the crisis — as our unique contribution.
Consciousness is evolving throughout the universe in billions of forms. So even if we didn't make it, this wouldn't matter on cosmic scale. No gain in consciousness is ever lost, so it would simply express itself through some other form. But the very fact that I am speaking here and you are listening or reading this is a clear sign that the new consciousness is gaining a foothold on the planet.
Drive Nature forth by force, she'll turn and rout The false refinements that would keep her out.
I love being a mother. I think it's the best thing I've ever done, and I personally feel that it's had a very positive effect on my work. I think it's an encouraging force for creativity, it feeds creativity - it did for me, certainly.
The highest ideals are human intelligence, creativity and love. Respect these above all.
Real love is a cosmic force which goes through us. If we crystallize it, it becomes the greatest power in the world.
At its highest, love is a religious state of consciousness. I love you too, Buddha loves, Jesus loves, but their love demands nothing in return.
The understanding of "evolutionary consciousness" is perhaps the most important thing lacking in spiritual practices today. Evolution means growth and development. This means that there are aspects of reality that have not yet arisen in our consciousness. But they will arise if we grow.
Creativity is the evolutionary impulse in the Universe.
My understanding of God is an experience. God is. That's all I know. In the Biblical tradition, it would be expressed as, "Be still and know that I am God." God is the "I am" energy. Something huge is at play here - cosmic creativity, consciousness, God, whatever you want to call it. I do believe that it's a guided ride. We're on a guided tour of the universe.
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