A Quote by Alex Rodriguez

This is how I define grace: youre on the main stage, and it looks like it has been rehearsed 100 times, everything goes so smoothly. Thats where I get my confidence and success, from knowing that I have an edge because I know Im prepared.
This is how I define grace: you're on the main stage, and it looks like it has been rehearsed 100 times, everything goes so smoothly. That's where I get my confidence and success, from knowing that I have an edge because I know I'm prepared.
Edge goes out every night, and not just on pay per views; every night, Edge goes out there with the intention of stealing the show. I know that he felt like his title run had not been given the respect from the company that it deserved, and he was really hell-bent on proving that he belonged as a main event guy.
Champions get what they want because they know what they want. They have a vision that keeps them motivated and efficiently on track. They see it, feel it, and experience it in their minds and hearts. What is success for you? You won't get there without knowing what it feels and looks like.
I do everything The Miz needs me to do. I make sure everything goes smoothly. If I can get involved in the match when the referee is not looking. You know, we have to keep the title!
The success doesn't define you. The success isn't what gave you the edge in the first place. The failure didn't give me the edge, either.
The challenge is not to get caught up in the hoopla. To understand what goes into winning - stay focused, you've got to be prepared, you need an edge. If you get lost in all the other stuff you're not going to be prepared to play well.
In my dealings with the press, I was like the guy who goes into the cathouse and the madam gets him prepared and looks at him and says, "Who are you going to satisfy with that?" And he looks back at her and says, "Me." That's kind of my sense of humor at times.
All I can say is that you only realize how big your mountain is once youre laying motionless, helpless, and hopeless in the valley below. No one goes there on purpose, if you get what Im saying, because the only way to find your personal low is to slip and roll down that mountain of yours, straight through to the bottom, no holds barred.
It's a lifelong failing: she has never been prepared. But how can you have a sense of wonder if you're prepared for everything? Prepared for the sunset. Prepared for the moonrise. Prepared for the ice storm. What a flat existence that would be.
Im such a work in progress at the moment, its crazy, and life wants me on edge, I swear to you. But as long as I dont forget the past, Im cool. One must always be mindful, just like you might forget that old girlfriend who tried to slit your throat, but shes really still hot. If you remember the stitches more than you remember the pussy, youre going to be just fine.
The thing that's most important in getting you in the best mindest is just being prepared - having a great practice, and knowing that no matter what knowing you're going to go in with confidence. You need to have that confidence to power through.
Like yes, I was part of a launch of an entire cable television network and we all worked so hard getting prepared for it and rehearsed so many times.
Im ridiculously fortunate to get a chance to experience the sitcom world. The schedule is extremely easy, and you get fed as an artist because youre not only working on a project, but you get to work with cameras, and you get the audience there.
Cool is not just one type of cool. Cool is confidence and knowing, i guess, what you are and being fine with it. Some people can be what people call “nerds” and they're cool because they know they're needs. They know what they are and they're so confident in knowing what they are that that makes them cool, and somebody aspires to be like them because they're fine with it. it's confidence, you know.
The audience, the place youre in, has everything to do with how your performance goes.
Mainly I got to know about the atmosphere in the East Germany and how people felt, because I never experienced it physically. You can't talk, because everywhere there's someone listening in on everything you say, and you might get things wrong and be questioned or they come up and say, "Well, actually, we want you to work for us and if don't, we'll pressure you," and stuff like that. Living in a country like that, how do you get around it and still keep your dignity? I think it's one of the main questions.
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