A Quote by Alexa Bliss

I want to be one of the longest reigning champions, and for our women as a whole, even if I'm not in the match, I want us to have a Main Event at WrestleMania. — © Alexa Bliss
I want to be one of the longest reigning champions, and for our women as a whole, even if I'm not in the match, I want us to have a Main Event at WrestleMania.
Probably the greatest match in my career, and really put me on the match as a main event guy and paved the way for what I was to become, was Wrestlemania 13, with the one and only, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart.
We dreamt of that as kids growing up. Like, main eventing, being world champion, walking down that aisle at WrestleMania as the last match, as the main event, as the headliner.
This is the deal: You win the Royal Rumble match, you go to main event WrestleMania. That's the process.
I want to be the longest-reigning Raw Women's Champion. And I'm going to do whatever it takes to make sure that happens.
My goal is to be the women's champion, to main event on a regular basis, to be at 'WrestleMania.'
I want to be the first female to main-event WrestleMania, and I just want to continue to get better and better and continue my dad's legacy.
One of the reasons to come to the WWE was to wrestle at 'WrestleMania,' but to main-event 'WrestleMania?' Wow! I live for this.
I came to WWE to be on 'WrestleMania' and to be in a 'WrestleMania' main event.
I go into calling any match, any fight - I don't care if it's the main event or the opener - that these guys have put in their work: they're here for a reason, and there's a reason I'm calling this fight, so I do want to give it as much attention and respect and energy as I would the main event or a championship fight.
I think every woman on the roster wants to be at the main event for Wrestlemania. And if we ever get the opportunity to, it should be a match where every woman is involved.
Things that used to be a glass ceiling aren't anymore. Now not only is it a possibility that women are going to main event WrestleMania, I know that they are going to do it.
I just feel so lucky and fortunate to be a part of all these 'first-evers.' Now it's getting to a point where we don't even have to say the 'first-ever' or anything like that because it's just become the norm. Before, it was, 'Oh my gosh, the women are the main event of 'Smackdown' tonight.' And now it's, 'The women are the main event.'
Why extremists always focus on women remains a mystery to me. But they all seem to. It doesn’t matter what country they’re in or what religion they claim. They all want to control women. They want to control how we dress. They want to control how we act. They even want to control the decisions we make about our own health and our own bodies. Yes, it is hard to believe but even here at home we have to stand up for women’s rights and we have to reject efforts to marginalize any one of us, because America has to set an example for the entire world.
One thing I've learned from years of working in WWE is that the road to WrestleMania always starts at the Royal Rumble. That's why it's so important to win the Rumble: because it's your chance to secure a championship match at WWE's biggest event of the year - WrestleMania.
I'm a name that can be as a co-main event or a main event and people want to see.
I feel blessed that I managed to fight 46 fights undefeated, that I was a world champion for 11 years, one of the longest reigning champions of all time and I like to think that I come out looking pretty good.
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