A Quote by Alexa Chung

I tend to splurge on fancy dresses because I always think I'll get a lot of wear out of them, but it's false logic. You should really spend more money on the things you wear every day, like jeans.
Every day my style changes with my mood. Some days I'll feel a little more grunge and wear boyfriend jeans, but in the summer I like to feel girly and wear dresses.
I think I would have one favourite jacket, one favourite pair of sneakers - like, from every kind of thing I do have my favourite - but they're often the things I wear the least because I just want to keep them nice, so I don't really tend to wear them as much.
I live in jeans and own a lot of them. I'm much more comfortable in trousers and T-shirts, and I don't often wear dresses.
The cool thing about designers is they have very specific points of view, and because my inspiration is always changing, it's easy to go, 'This feels right.' But just because I wear fancy dresses on weekends doesn't mean in my heart of hearts I'm not a jeans and T-shirt person.
For a long time, I refused to wear jeans. I liked high-waisted pants, but jeans made me feel like I wasn't being unique. Even now, I won't wear the skinny-jeans style, because most people wear those - they have to be baggier, boyfriend-looking, or sort of like a mom jean. I'm real funny that way.
I like mixing things. I wear a lot of boots. Love boots. And then jeans, but I like to wear them with a really ruffly top. Or I love high-waisted anything.
I would splurge on a great pair of high heels, because you can wear them to something fancy, but regular clothes? I'd rather go on a trip than spend $10,000 on clothes, and fly first class as a treat.
I wear a lot of black, and it's not because I'm depressed or anything. I like black jeans - they're pretty much the only colored jeans I wear. James Jeans have the most comfortable fabric. I'd say in general, I dress pretty comfortably.
I feel like I wear kind of the same things on stage that I would wear every day, unless I'm being lazy, and then I just wear trackies. But actually, if I'm honest, I wouldn't really walk down Kilburn High Street in a leotard, and I would wear that onstage.
I want to find a way to reach young women emotionally and also to start providing clothing for them so that they can wear the same things their thin friends can wear. I really want to do evening wear and prom dresses for these girls.
I think it's important to not always wear pants and not always wear dresses. You should and mix that up.
Getting to wear Chanel is my version of a fairy tale. Not that I would wear it every day - my style is more jeans and T-shirts - but it's kind of fun.
A lot of the reason my look is the way it is, is because it's really easy to put on a sundress every night if I have to perform - or just wear jeans every day and a flannel or something.
A lot of the reason my look is the way it is, is because it's really easy to put on a sundress every night if I have to perform - or just wear jeans every day and a flannel or something.
I tend to wear the moulds in training, but I'll always wear studs in games, as I feel like I get more grip.
I like Air Max 90s; those are usually my go-to. I feel you can wear them with jeans, you can wear them with sweats, you can wear them with anything.
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