A Quote by Alexander Graham Bell

The achievement of one goal should be the starting point of another. — © Alexander Graham Bell
The achievement of one goal should be the starting point of another.
Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another.
Strong, deeply rooted desire is the starting point of all achievement. Just as the electron is the last unit of matter discernible to the scientist. DESIRE is the seed of all achievement; the starting place, back of which there is nothing, or at least there is nothing of which we have any knowledge.
The starting point of all achievement is desire.
Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement.
Ours is a divine journey; therefore, this journey has neither a beginning nor an end... This journey has a goal, but it does not stop at any goal, for it has come to realise that today's goal is only the starting point of tomorrow's journey.
Definiteness of purpose with positive mental attitude is the starting point of all worthwhile achievement.
Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things! Strong, deeply rooted desire is the starting point of all achievement.
The goal of yesterday will be our starting-point to-morrow.
Simplicity is the outcome of technical subtlety; it is the goal, not the starting point.
Simplicity is the outcome of technical subtlety. It is the goal, not the starting point.
Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything.
The establishment of a clear, central purpose or goal in life is the starting point of all success
Starting should be a goal for every rookie.
As a scientist, the starting point is always the facts of the matter, whereas often, in politics, the starting point is how does this play in the next election.
My first goal was to become world champion and I did that against Ricky Burns at 135. Once I conquered that, I set myself another goal and another goal.
The pessimism of the intellect is the starting point for struggle. It's not the end point, it's the starting point. You have to make something critical to make it meaningful, to make it transformative.
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