A Quote by Alexander Pope

On life's vast ocean diversely we sail. Reasons the card, but passion the gale. — © Alexander Pope
On life's vast ocean diversely we sail. Reasons the card, but passion the gale.
On life's vast ocean diversely we sail, Reason the card, but passion is the gale; Nor God alone in the still calm we find, He mounts the storm, and walks upon the wind.
Age should fly concourse, cover in retreat defects of judgment, and the will subdue; walk thoughtful on the silent, solemn shore of that vast ocean it must sail so soon.
Coral reefs, the rain forest of the ocean, are home for one-third of the species of the sea. Coral reefs are under stress for several reasons, including warming of the ocean, but especially because of ocean acidification, a direct effect of added carbon dioxide. Ocean life dependent on carbonate shells and skeletons is threatened by dissolution as the ocean becomes more acid.
Sail on, sail on, o' might Ship of State. To the shores of need, past the reefs of greed, through the squalls of hate. Sail on, sail on, sail on.
He who has suffered shipwreck, fears to sail Upon the seas, though with a gentle gale.
Thus, I steer my bark, and sail On even keel, with gentle gale.
It blows a snowing gale in the winter of the year; The boats are on the sea and the crews are on the pier. The needle of the vane, it is veering to and fro, A flash of sun is on the veering of the vane. Autumn leaves and rain, The passion of the gale.
Learn of the little nautilus to sail, Spread the thin oar, and catch the driving gale.
Hoist up sail while gale doth last, Tide and wind stay no man's pleasure.
Sweet Memory! wafted by thy gentle gale, Oft up the stream of Time I turn my sail.
In adversity be spirited and firm, and with equal prudence lessen your sail when filled with a too fortunate gale of prosperity.
Let the winds blow! a fiercer gale Is wild within me! what may quell That sullen tempest? I must sail Whither, O whither, who can tell!
And what if all of animated nature Be but organic harps diversely framed, That tremble into thought, as o'er them sweeps, Plastic and vast, one intellectual breeze, At once the soul of each, and God of all?
Consciousness is a vast ocean and thinking is the waves & ripples on the surface of the ocean.
With passion pray. With passion make love. With passion eat and drink and dance and play. Why look like a dead fish in this ocean of God?
The earliest memories I have of the ocean are actually stories - stories from my grandfather, the legendary ocean explorer and conservationist Jacques Cousteau. My passion for ocean conservation stems from learning at a very young age that we're all connected; we're all in this together.
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