A Quote by Alexander Pope

The vanity of human life is like a river, constantly passing away, and yet constantly coming on. — © Alexander Pope
The vanity of human life is like a river, constantly passing away, and yet constantly coming on.
There is nothing in the whole world which abides. All things are in a state of ebb and flow, and every shadow passes away. Even time itself, like a river, is constantly gliding away .
The Greeks do not think correctly about coming-to-be and passing-away; for no thing comes to be or passes away, but is mixed together and dissociated from the things that are. And thus they would be correct to call coming-to-be mixing-together and passing-away dissociating
I was constantly getting in trouble, constantly trying to break the rules. Even when I was coming up in the drag scene, I was known as sort of the rule breaker, the rebel, the bad girl.
The human body is river of intelligence, energy and information that is constantly renewing itself in every second of its existence.
Life ain't fair. It ain't. Not never. It's pointless and stupid and there's only suffering and pain and people who want to hurt you. You can't love nothing or no one cuz it'll all be taken away or ruined and you'll be left alone and constantly having to fight, constantly having to run just to stay alive.
I think Jesus is a fact of history. I think a man named Jesus of Nazareth lived and was crucified. I think his death interpreted his life in a fantastic way, because if you study that life carefully underneath an overlay of theology and mythology, you'll find that the power of that life was that he was constantly giving himself away. He was constantly calling people to be all that they could be.
The left is constantly attacking. They're constantly accusing. They're constantly alleging. They're trying to drive Donald Trump out of office. They are conducting a silent coup that is actually making a lot of noise.
What is earthly happiness? that phantom of which we hear so much, and see so little; whose promises are constantly given and constantly broken, but as constantly believed; that cheats us with the sound instead of the substance, and with the blossom instead of the fruit. Like Juno, she is a goddess in pursuit, but a cloud in possession.
I consider myself a student, both in my work and my life, and I'm constantly learning and I'm constantly grateful for that.
One of the processes of your life is to constantly break down that inferiority, to constantly reaffirm that I Am Somebody.
Under all of the factors that make up the art world, it's up to the individual artist to discern which of those influences are present and at what time and what really serves the deeper process that is constantly running like a stream underground. Influence is incessant. Influence is a fact. But, carry a big shovel and dig constantly to clear away all the unessentials so that the origins of mystery and the poetic force of life can get into and inspire the work.
We're not always in the position that we want to be at. We're constantly growing, we're constantly making mistakes, we're constantly trying to express ourselves and trying to actualize our dreams.
The human body is constantly undergoing a process of decay and of reconstruction. First builded into the astral form in the womb of the mother, it is built up continually by the insetting of fresh materials. With every moment tiny molecules are passing away from it; with every moment tiny molecules are streaming into it.
When you're as tall as I am, you have no public privacy. People are constantly coming up and talking to you. Constantly. You have one of two ways to go: you engage with people, or you become really bitter. I choose to engage.
My email is constantly full, and I'm constantly being called, like, 'We need your decision on this.'
I feel like I'm constantly learning. Constantly trying to grow.
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