A Quote by Alexander Pope

The finest minds, like the finest metals, dissolve the easiest. — © Alexander Pope
The finest minds, like the finest metals, dissolve the easiest.
This is what Wisdom means: To be changed without the slightest effort on your part, to be transformed, believe it or not, merely by waking to the reality that is not words , that lies beyond the reach of words. If you are fortunate enough to be Awakened thus, you will know why the finest language is the one that is not spoken, the finest action is the one that is not done and the finest change is the one that is not willed.
The reason why we find ourselves in a position of impotency is not because the enemy has sent men to invade our shores, but rather because of the traitorous actions of those who have had all the benefits that the wealthiest nation on earth has had to offer - the finest homes, the finest college educations, and the finest jobs in Government we can give.
Choupette literally has the finest tuna, the finest of everything a cat could ever have.
Not merely one of the finest fantasy novels of recent years, but one of the finest ever. Should not be missed
The Met is not only the finest encyclopedic museum of art in the United States; it is arguably the finest anywhere.
Girl, boy or dancing bear, you're the finest page-the finest squire-to-be-at court." (Jon to Alanna)
Anybody can make a thousand dollar garment because you find the finest fabric and the finest mills, and you churn that out.
The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries.
Aviation is poetry ... It's the finest kind of moving around, you know, just as poetry is the finest way of using words.
Ah yes! Conservatives. Some of the finest minds of the 12th Century.
We draft mostly high school kids and we have one of the finest, if not the finest, player development programs and coaching staffs and we teach our players the right way to play. We also have a game plan in scouting, and there are certain types of players that we look for.
Examples of exaggeration can be found in almost any advertising medium. The use of the superlative is altogether too prevalent. 'The finest,' 'the best,' 'the greatest,' 'the purest,' 'the most economical,' and so on ad infinitum, are hurled at the public everywhere. Surely not all products of the same class can be the best or the finest.
The Night Sky is not just another planisphere. I think The Night Sky is the finest and easiest to use star finding aid in existence.
Take the universe and grind it down to the finest powder and sieve it through the finest sieve and then show me one atom of justice, one molecule of mercy. and yet... and yet you act as if there is some ideal order in the world, as if there is some... some rightness in the universe by which it may be judged.
There are minds constructed like the eyes of certain insects, which discern, with admirable distinctness, the most delicate lineaments and finest veins of the leaf which bears them, but are totally unable to take in the ensemble of the plant or shrub. When error has effected an entrance into such minds, it remains there impregnable, because no general view assists them in throwing off the chance impression of the moment.
John Lane has long been recognized as one of the South's finest poets and memoirists. This debut establishes him as one of our finest novelists as well. His poet's eye for detail seamlessly merges with a born storyteller's gift for narrative. Fate Moreland's Widow gives voice to those who endured one of the most painful and neglected chapters in American history.
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