A Quote by Alexandra Daddario

I think love is something you figure out later on in life, and you have to make a lot of mistakes to figure out what love is, which is why we all have shitty, tumultuous relationships when we're younger, and it's harder to let go.
Love represents a lot of things. You can be in love with someone, you can be in love with something. You don't know why you love something so much, you just do. You gravitate towards it and then you figure it out later.
I found out that I'm a pretty bad father. I make a lot of mistakes and I don't know what I'm doing. But my kids love me. Go figure.
My advice to anyone is to figure out what you're good at - what it is that you love doing the most in life - and figure out a way to make a living from it.
I think people fancy me. They can't figure me out. I'm an attractive guy. I make good money and I score goals. I'm the kind of guy I believe people love. And, at the same time, they can't figure out why they love me so much, so they decide to hate me.
I write poetry to figure things out. It's what I use as a navigating tool in my life, so when there's something that I just can't understand, I have to "poem" my way through it. For that reason I write a lot about family, because my family confuses me and I'm always trying to figure them out. I write a lot about love, because love is continually confusing in all of its many glorious aspects.
At 22, there’s a lot of trying to figure out love, which at the end of the day, I’ve realized I’ll never figure out, though the process of trying is fun.
A lot of people love Marco Rubio but they're gonna have - they also love Jeb Bush. They are having a hard time trying to figure out how they gonna - you know, figure that one out.
You don't have to fit into a particular box. You fit into a box that you're comfortable in, and you'll attract people with like minds. It took me a while to figure this out, but there are many ideals. You have to figure right what's best for you and that will radiate out of you. I think a certain amount of letting go and being brave and not being afraid to make mistakes to get there.
In this day and age, when there are so many people creating work online and writing their own shows, I wouldn't tell another actor, 'If you can do anything else go do that.' I would tell them to figure out the story they want to tell, to figure out what artists inspire you and why, and then figure out a way you can create that for yourself.
Wherever we are seeing something getting used, that to us is an early indicator that there might be something that people want. And then let's figure out how to make that great. And then let's go figure out monetization.
When I was younger, I never wanted to rehearse because I thought that someone would figure out I don't know what I'm doing. Now I like to really spend the time and figure it out, and rehearsal is to try something that doesn't work.
It's a lot easier to figure out how to scale something that doesn't feel like it would scale than it is to figure out what is actually gonna work. You're much better off going after something that will work that doesn't scale, then trying to figure how to scale it up, than you are trying to figure it all out.
I've always been someone who likes to share and talk. When something happens to me I [don't] run away from it. I want to dive right into and explore it. Try to figure out why it's happening and try to figure out something good that's going to come out of it.
I'm not saying I know everything about love. I'm still trying to figure out girls... I don't think we'll ever totally figure out girls.
I feel most badly, though, [because] after 10 years, I was at the company, I wanted to go back to New York where I was from. Why I didn’t go to Steve Jobs and say, ‘Steve, let’s figure out how you can come back and lead your company.’ I didn’t do that, it was a terrible mistake on my part. I can’t figure out why I didn’t have the wisdom to do that. But I didn’t. And as life has it, shortly after that, I was fired.
Evaluate. Long experience had taught me to evaluate and assess. When the unexpected gets dumped on you, don’t waste time. Don’t figure out how or why it happened. Don’t recriminate. Don’t figure out whose fault it is. Don’t work out how to avoid the same mistake next time. All of that you do later. If you survive.
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