A Quote by Alexandra Roach

I think you should just wear something you feel comfortable in. It's important to make a statement, but don't kill yourself over it. — © Alexandra Roach
I think you should just wear something you feel comfortable in. It's important to make a statement, but don't kill yourself over it.
It's important to make a statement, but don't kill yourself over it. You have to make an effort, but not go overboard.
I wear tennis shoes over and over again, and my black jacket. I always try to be comfortable. It's very important to me to wear comfortable shoes, which are hard to find - beautiful and comfortable at the same time.
I think it's important to wear what you love no matter the trends, that will make you feel comfortable and confident.
I come from a culture where we wear white for weddings. In India, it's different. But I really feel that there should be no set notions, and a bride should only wear something when she's comfortable in it.
A lot of people want to not wear a tie when they go to a restaurant. They feel they don't have to wear a tie. I think it's kind of a statement they're making. I don't know what that statement is. I haven't quite figured that out yet.
Wear what you feel comfortable with. People say nasty things about what I wear in the street. I'm always in worst dressed lists, but you just have to dress for yourself and ­nobody else.
I think the most important thing is to feel comfortable. And if you don't feel comfortable with what you're wearing it really shows. Just make sure you find your own style rather than going with what everyone else is wearing. If you feel comfortable, it's going to get you noticed in the right way. That's better than worrying about what everyone else is wearing and feeling awkward. That's the most important thing.
I feel that being comfortable - being yourself - when you walk into an audition room is a really important thing. I think being able to own every aspect of your life is only going to make you be more comfortable in front of a table of people you don't know.
You need to feel comfortable. When you're comfortable, you feel confident. And when you're confident, the world is your oyster. Most important, you gotta feel what you wear.
No matter if you wear a small amount of makeup, no makeup, or heavy makeup, as long as you feel beautiful internally and you're doing beautiful things for other people, and not just focusing on the exterior to make yourself happy, I think you should do what works for you. You should rock on.
If you walk by something that I've done and you like it then I don't think I did what I was supposed to do. It should hit, it should either make you feel uncomfortable, or it should make you feel great, as long as it makes you feel something.
I think that it should be every woman's choice, depending on how she feels comfortable. I can't think of any objective reason why you should wear makeup unless it makes you feel good.
A guy's calling to say he's failing algebra II. Just as a point of practice, I say, Kill yourself. A woman calls and says her kids won't behave. Without missing a beat, I tell her, Kill yourself. A man calls to say his car won't start. Kill yourself. A woman calls to ask what time the late movie starts. Kill yourself. She asks, "Isn't this 555-1327? Is this the Moorehouse CinePlex? I say, Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself.
I'm not extremely political. I think everything should be layed out and you can make your own conclusions. As soon as I feel I'm being taught something or preached something, I just glaze over it and I don't want to hear it.
To me, the most important thing is to wear something that I love and feel comfortable in, and Christmas is a great opportunity to get one of my old favourites out.
Most days I don't care what I wear. You'll find me in yoga pants, a T-shirt, and sneakers almost every day. My job is to wear something nice when I work, so I enjoy doing it then. But when I don't have to, I'd rather just wear something comfortable.
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