A Quote by Alexey Brodovitch

It is the end result that counts. — © Alexey Brodovitch
It is the end result that counts.
Sometimes while you're cooking it's messy but the outcome is good. The end result is all that counts.
Effort and result are never simultaneous. In art, only the result counts.
If you start out trying to achieve a specific thing - like doing stadium shows or going into the studio and doing an album - the end result is what counts.
As an actor you don't control the end result. Because you're a director, you get to control the end result. I think for us, we really have to show up and participate and give. And then let go.
You have to compromise all the way. The only thing that counts is the result.
A longsuffering person will endure where others give up. He always thinks about how God has been longsuffering toward him, and he counts God's longsuffering as salvation. Longsuffering endures where no one else can endure, and it always hopes for a happy result at the end.
Photography has no rules, it is not a sport. It is the result which counts, no matter how it is achieved.
Success is deciding from the start what end result you want and creating the circumstances to realize that result.
To the audience it doesn't really matter how much the director struggled with an actor. It's the result that counts.
Money is a result, wealth is a result, health is a result, illness is a result, your weight is a result. We live in a world of cause and effect.
It's impossible to feel the creative juices flowing if you're always worried about the end result. I think really, really good work comes out of people being quite open, not stressed, really exploring, trying to be imaginative, without worrying too much about the end result.
As a result of the cold, the machine-guns were no longer able to fire...the result of all this was a panic...The battle worthiness of our infantry is at an end
It has been my experience as a teacher over the years and incarnations that what really counts are not techniques. What really counts is spirit, love. What really counts is a sense of propriety and dedication.
The end does not justify the means. If we try to be someone we are not in order to achieve a result, then the result cannot help but be something other than what we intended.
In the end, what counts is what you do.
The engineer who counts cost as nothing as compared to the result, who holds himself above the consideration of dollars and cents, has missed his vocation.
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