A Quote by Alfred Hitchcock

Puns are the highest form of literature. — © Alfred Hitchcock
Puns are the highest form of literature.
In our world, all puns are beautiful and they are the highest form of comedy.
I love puns. I've been known to turn the car around just to take advantage of a good pun situation. It really is the highest form of humor.
The best work in literature is always done by those who do not depend on it for their daily bread and the highest form of literature, Poetry, brings no wealth to the singer.
I think puns are not just the lowest form of wit, but the lowest form of human behavior.
Puns are a form of humor with words.
I like really bad puns - proper, red-top, nasty puns - I find them funny.
The man form is higher than the angel form; of all forms it is the highest. Man is the highest being in creation, because he aspires to freedom.
It's not that a literature for children of color doesn't exist; it's that so much of the extant literature is lacking in the essential quality that makes literature for children so extraordinary a form: imagination.
Prabhupada's definitely affected the world in an absolute way. What he was giving us was the highest literature, the highest knowledge. I mean there just isn't anything higher.
The Republican form of government is the highest form of government: but because of this it requires the highest type of human nature, a type nowhere at present existing.
I'd like my super power to be puns; I'd like to be great at puns: pun power. Then I could go on loads of panel shows and live off that forever.
NASCAR racing is the highest form of American auto racing, and I've always wanted to be racing in the highest form. I want to accomplish good things in everything I get in every night, but NASCAR is the biggest, most-watched thing in American racing.
For contemplation is both the highest form of activity (since the intellect is the highest thing in us, and the objects that it apprehends are the highest things that can be known), and also it is the most continuous, because we are more capable of continuous contemplation than we are of any practical activity.
I like Jacques Derrida; I think he's funny. I like my philosophy with a few jokes and puns. I know that that offends other philosophers; they think he's not taking things seriously, but he comes up with some marvellous puns. Why shouldn't you have a bit of fun while dealing with the deepest issues of the mind?
There is a form of literature that is a deed, and a form that is only talk, and the latter passes away like a conversation.
The highest aim of the aesthetic being is to find the Divine through beauty; the highest Art is that which by an inspired use of significant and interpretative form unseals the door of the spirit.
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