A Quote by Alice Lowe

Ironically, there isn't much comedy film in Britain, which is quite surprising seeing that we're quite good at it. — © Alice Lowe
Ironically, there isn't much comedy film in Britain, which is quite surprising seeing that we're quite good at it.
I just like comedy in general. My film work, which has been at times more dramatic, has been satisfying. But I never feel quite as good and as light and blissful as when I'm doing comedy.
I become quite inhibited particularly when I do comedy, I won't - there's a whole thing of allowing an audience in and if you - if you cover yourself with a mask of, kind of, severity, which I'm quite good at doing, that's masking fear of course, then people feel shut out.
I do love doing stunts; I was in a film called 'The Quiet Ones,' which was quite a spooky film, and I had to be hung upside down, which was good.
It’s funny, I can sit through the worst horror film ever made! But even a quite good romantic comedy.
I think I was the only person in my experimental film class doing comedy. But my sense of humor and a lot of comedy that I love is quite surreal and strange, you know? You could argue that 'Monty Python' is experimental film. It just happens to be really funny.
Certainly in the second film [Maigret's Dead Man], which is quite a more unpleasant and darker story, it's quite different in tone and feel.
I do also think it eludes genre a bit - not in any groundbreaking way but you can't quite call it a comedy and you can't quite call it a romantic anything. It's not quite a drama either really. But it has elements of all those things.
It's funny, I can sit through the worst horror film ever made but even a quite good romantic comedy can drive me nuts.
I went to Poland for the Warsaw Film Festival, and it was quite an intense experience. I didn't think it would be, but it did feel quite emotional to go back to this place I'd heard so much about.
Being on set is quite difficult, because it's so big and you've got to try and relax, which isn't easy when you know you're in a massive film. I was terrified for quite a long time.
I don't really know how to act that much. I'm quite good at comedy, but it's mostly acting naturally.
I am reasonably nice-looking and have quite an expressive face, which is good for comedy.
Yes, there was a sort of underground cult following, which came from nowhere, and grew, and grew. It was quite surprising to us all, because all of us had spent probably the previous five to ten years without it. So it was quite overwhelming. Overwhelming and humbling.
I think I'd be quite good at Builder, like designer, construction... I've always liked making things. I'm quite good with my hands. So I think I'd be quite good at designing new inventions.
There is certainly a higher percentage of wit in British comedy than in American comedy. What always tickles me is the way in which people try to use their intellect to get themselves out of tricky situations but never quite manage to do so - much to their enormous embarrassment.
Ironically, now that my children are older and gone quite a bit, I find it harder to work when they're not around. Too much free time!
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