A Quote by Alicia Vikander

That is the thing I want to tell girls, to stop criticising yourselves and to stop comparing yourself to other people. — © Alicia Vikander
That is the thing I want to tell girls, to stop criticising yourselves and to stop comparing yourself to other people.
Stop comparing yourself to other people; you are an original. We are all different and it's okay.
I made a decision to stop feeling envious of other people, to crack on with my life and stop comparing myself with others.
Can I tell you what I want? I want to stop wanting things I can’t have. I want to stop falling for jerks I don’t need. And I want to stop feeling like an f/ing gooey butter cake somebody left out in the rain.
Stop hiding! Stop holding yourself back and playing yourself down! Stop worrying about how you look and what people are saying. Stop listening to what people are saying and trying to find out if they are whispering about you. Stop waiting for someone to tell you that you are okay or to make you feel special. Life is special! It is a special gift. This is your life! Now take your gift and live it out in the open! Decide today that you are going to live out loud!
Obstacles can't stop you. Problems can't stop you. Most of all, other people can't stop you. Only you can stop you.
God gave you your own race to run, stop comparing yourself to other people. They have their race and you have yours. Run hard and don't quit.
Please stop worrying about how much you can do! STOP judging yourself and others on physical abilities and prowess, stop believing MORE is better, stop the madness!
If you were a real fascistic society and you had a vocal minority that was shouting, "Stop this, stop that, stop the other thing," what you would say is, "Let's give them all the drugs they want." In a lot of states, something very much like that happened. They lowered the drinking age to eighteen and said, "Get juiced."
The main thing you can change is how you perceive yourself. Stop looking in the mirror and realize that you're living for yourself, not other people ... I have belly fat like everybody else, and I don't want to be airbrushed on the cover of a magazine. I don't want someone to swap out my stomach with a supermodel. I don't want dirty old men looking at me in my underwear.
If you stop trying to restrict yourself by defining yourself and love in other people's terms, it's the most liberating thing.
The lies the government and media tell are amplifications of the lies we tell ourselves. To stop being conned, stop conning yourself.
The main thing you can change is how you perceive yourself. Stop looking in the mirror and realize that youre living for yourself, not other people.
"It's just literally being afraid. And you think, oh, [the alcohol] will ease the fear. And it doesn't." What was he afraid of? "Everything. It's just a general all-round arggghhh. It's fearfulness and anxiety." He added, "For that first week you lie to yourself, and tell yourself you can stop, and then your body kicks back and says, no, stop later. And then it took about three years, and finally you do stop."
The brick walls are there to stop the people who don't want it badly enough. They are there to stop the other people!
Cram your head with characters and stories. Abuse your library privileges. Never stop looking at the world, and never stop reading to find out what sense other people have made of it. If people give you a hard time and tell you to get your nose out of a book, tell them you're working. Tell them it's research. Tell them to pipe down and leave you alone.
Looking up to girls for inspo is a beautiful thing, but comparing yourself is what creates the anxiety and self-hatred. It's really important that young girls know the difference.
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