A Quote by Allen Neuharth

Everyone should fail in a big way at least once before reaching forty. — © Allen Neuharth
Everyone should fail in a big way at least once before reaching forty.
[Hospitalized and pressing the nurse's button before dictating letters to her secretary:] This should assure us of at least forty-five minutes of undisturbed privacy.
Everyone in the world should sleep without fear at least for one night, sleep without fear. Everyone in the world should eat to their fill, at least for one day, eat to their fill. There should be one day when there is no violence, no one is injured, no one is harmed. All people young and old should serve the poor and needy, at least for one day serve selflessly. This is my dream....this is my prayer. Love is the answer, love is the way. Love is the answer, love is the way.
I think there should be a rule that everyone in the world should get a standing ovation at least once in their lives.
Life is something that everyone should try at least once.
And it's California, where everything is powerfully strange. Everyone wants it to be home. Everyone left where he or she was from with dreams of transformation. Everyone runs away to California at least once, or at least all the lonely, hungry people do.
Everyone should get to clobber a princess at least once," Jason said.
Forget about banks that are too big to fail; the focus should be on cities, municipalities and countries that are too big to fail.
It seemed cruelly unfair to me, even then, how fast your life can change before you have an opportunity to rethink your choices. We should get second chances on the big stuff. We should come equipped with erasers attached to the tops of our heads. Like pencils. We should be able to flip over and scribble away mistakes, at least once or twice during the duration of our existence, especially in matters of life and death.
I think everyone should experience defeat at least once during their career. You learn a lot from it.
I think that everyone should get married at least once, so you can see what a silly, outdated institution it is.
I firmly believe that everyone should have to work in the food service industry at least once in their lives.
Everyone saves someone at least once. Just as he kills someone at least once. Even though he may not know it.
We are not for everyone and everyone is not for us. The question is, 'If we cannot be with another, can we at least not hurt them? Can we, at least, find a way to coexist?'
Everyone should get sacked at least once. It forces you to look at yourself... It is important to have setbacks, because that is the reality of life. Perfection doesn't exist.
Why should anyone hear the Gospel twice, before everyone has heard it once?
I think it's a wonderful thing, turning 50. I think everyone should do it at least once.
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