A Quote by Alvin Leung

Kids always like the villain or the guy who's different. — © Alvin Leung
Kids always like the villain or the guy who's different.

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When you choose a villain, you need something visually exciting. And when you have someone like Jamie Foxx... you want to make sure the guy with the mask and the guy without the mask are delivering two different performances.
The great thing I like about the sci-fi genre is there's a lot of different latitude for a lot of different kinds of behavior. You can be a very larger-than-life villain, or a very naturalistic villain, and all of it seems to fit.
I was a street-guy villain. I was a street-corner villain. I was an illiterate villain. All rough edges.
Well, you need the villain. If you don't have a villain, the good guy can stay home.
You need the villain. If you don't have a villain, the good guy can stay home.
I'd love to play a Bond villain. Yeah, I'd love to play a Bond villain. Everyone always says this to me; they always say, 'You've got to be a Bond villain', 'We're going to make you a Bond villain...' But they've never, ever approached me, I've never had a whiff of it. I think I'd love to play a Bond villain; I'd have great fun.
[Toby Jones] is completely different. It's a completely different character. He's the darkest villain we've had. There was always something charming and engaging about Moriarty. There was something fascinating and actually amoral, rather than immoral, about Charles Augustus Magnussen. This guy is the purest evil. Sherlock [Holmes] is actually appalled by him.
Alan is a great guy, a terrific guy. We haven't worked together since then, and he's always working with different artists. I think he sees different dimensions he can see from different guys.
I can be the best Villain. If I make the Villain different and unique to a point where no-one else can do it, that's where people are going to want me.
I got to playing villains-I don't know how. I think it's like anything else, in the movies in particular that if you establish yourself as something and you're lucky enough to keep getting hired. You know, there are guys who play the guy who gets the girl, guys who are the best friend of that guy, there's the funny guy, the villain.
I play a character in the WWE and everybody hates my character. I'm the evil villain bad guy. Whenever people meet me, they're like, 'Wow, you're such a nice guy. We never expected that.'
It's not like I played a villain and everyone goes 'ugh, there's that guy again'.
Ive always wanted to play the villain. But the young girl is never the villain.
I've always wanted to play the villain. But the young girl is never the villain.
I can't tell people how much fun it is to be a super-villain. Being a villain is cool, but being a supervillain is a different level of exciting.
I feel like it's really important for an actor to play different roles so people can see, "Oh, he can play that guy or he can play this guy." You're not just "THAT guy," that cowboy guy, that whatever guy. Then you are limiting yourself.
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