A Quote by Amanda Beard

My performance has improved dramatically from yoga and meditation. No athlete ever dominated by sticking to one sport all the time. — © Amanda Beard
My performance has improved dramatically from yoga and meditation. No athlete ever dominated by sticking to one sport all the time.
For sure, with golf it's not a physically demanding sport like tennis. That's what makes tennis great - you combine both things. It's a very mental sport and at the same time can be dramatically physical. But I do admire the mentality of sport more than the physicality because physical performance is much easier to practice than mental performance.
In middle age I've begun to embrace stress reducing behaviors. Just in doing yoga, for example, my health has improved dramatically.
Once I learned how to be a healthy vegan by eating the right foods my performance improved dramatically.
In the rich world, the environmental situation has improved dramatically. In the United States, the most important environmental indicator, particulate air pollution, has been cut by more than half since 1955, rivers and coastal waters have dramatically improved, and forests are increasing.
The "Bhagavad Gita" is actually a very good text for yoga - the yoga of love, the yoga of action or karma, the yoga of understanding of intellect, and the yoga of reflection and meditation. I think it's a very important map for understanding the nature of consciousness.
I love who I am. But being a woman competing in a male-dominated sport and always trying to push the envelope as a female athlete, you get a lot of comparisons to men and things like that.
What's the benefit of hatha yoga? Physical. What do you need to do hatha yoga? Physical body. That's it. Breathing and spirit is a part of any sport. So that's why hatha yoga can be a sport.
Yoga means union of the individual mind with universal mind, so meditation is considered the essence of yoga. The transformation of the mind and body during meditation is significantly more profound than simply resting with your eyes closed.
Overall, I think Michael Jordan is the greatest athlete in any particular sport. He dominated the game for the Chicago Bulls and brought the NBA to its greatest peak of popularity.
My mom lived on an ashram on the early eighties. She turned me on to kundalini yoga and chanting and Transcendental Meditation. That was the first time I ever knew real peace.
People should be talking about "yoga asanas" as a competive sport. Because there are many forms of yoga. The most common two forms are hatha yoga and raja yoga. That's mostly what people understand.
I've been more or less vegetarian for about 40 years. Health diet really helps. I do meditation every day, and either yoga or sport several times a week.
My workout involves cardio, jogging, and yoga as well. I am a firm believer of yoga and meditation.
My favorite was always whichever sport was in season. I think these days it's almost saddening to see kids who are 10 or 11 and are forced to choose one sport and specialize in that sport and play that sport year-round. By playing different sports... you become a better all-around athlete.
Meditation is the art of transforming madness into Buddhahood. Meditation is the art of taking you beyond logic and yet keeping your sanity intact. Meditation is the greatest discovery ever made, and I don't think there is ever going to be another discovery which can surpass meditation.
I don't think anybody in any sport ever sucks. You're an athlete. You're a professional.
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