A Quote by Amber Rudd

When our TV screens are filled with heartbreaking images of suffering, we have to dig deep inside ourselves in order to keep going. — © Amber Rudd
When our TV screens are filled with heartbreaking images of suffering, we have to dig deep inside ourselves in order to keep going.
The essence of love and compassion is understanding, the ability to recognize the physical, material, and psychological suffering of others, to put ourselves "inside the skin" of the other. We "go inside" their body, feelings, and mental formations, and witness for ourselves their suffering. Shallow observation as an outsider is not enough to see their suffering. We must become one with the subject of our observation. When we are in contact with another's suffering, a feeling of compassion is born in us. Compassion means, literally, "to suffer with."
We all must learn to dig down deep inside, trust that inner voice, and not be afraid to face and forgive ourselves.
I have been compelled to dig deep inside and pull out strengths I never knew I possessed in order to protect my family.
If you desire to dig a well to reach water, your efforts are more fruitful if you dig one 100-foot-deep hole than if you dig ten holes each 10 feet deep.
There’s no value in digging shallow wells in a hundred places. Decide on one place and dig deep. Even if you encounter a rock, use dynamite and keep going down. If you leave that to dig another well, all the first effort is wasted and there is no proof you won’t hit rock again. (52)
Unfortunately our children today seem to spend less and less time with their overworked parents, and so they draw more information about the world from the images on movie and TV screens. The true power of the media is the ability to redefine reality, to alter our expectations about what constitutes normal life. TV and the movies have abused that power by advancing the notion that wholesome, ordinary happiness is impossible.
The primary implication is that we're going to combine our intelligence with computers. We're going to make ourselves smarter. By the 2030s, they will literally go inside our bodies and inside our brains.
Images have enormous power, and images freed from deep within ourselves can change us profoundly.
To bear witness to all the unnecessary suffering on the planet and make ourselves available to service - whatever that means for each of us. We go deep in our personal relationships in America, but we need to go deep in our public relationships as well.
Deep down inside, when I come to the ring, whether it's a non-televised event or TV or pay per view, deep down inside, when you hear those 'R-K-O' chants or those 'Orton' chants, you know, it makes me smile on the inside.
Our efforts to disconnect ourselves from our own suffering end up disconnecting our suffering from God's suffering for us. The way out of our loss and hurt is in and through.
In order to inspire people, that's going to have to come from somewhere deep inside of you.
If we dig deep in our history and remember that we are not descendants from fearful people, we proclaim ourselves indeed as we are the defenders of freedom wherever it continues to exist in the world.
Know that the power comes from within: when you are tired, or you want to give up, dig deep. Dig deep for whatever reason - in boxing, in sport, in life.
In order to get a note out, I have to dig deep, and I mean that on an emotional level. To physically sing, I have to get somewhere deep before I can do it.
It's a rare and precious thing to be close to suffering because our society - in many ways - tells us that suffering is wrong. If it's our own suffering, we try to hide it or isolate ourselves. If others are suffering, we're taught to put them away somewhere so we don't have to see it.
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