A Quote by Amine

I'm a big believer in everything meant to be. If it didn't work out then, it's fine. — © Amine
I'm a big believer in everything meant to be. If it didn't work out then, it's fine.
I'm not a big believer in doing things unilaterally. I'm a big believer in opening up a dialogue and figuring out how we can make something work for all people.
I am always a big believer that if you work hard enough and you work out of passion, a person can do anything.
I'm a strong believer in 'everything is meant to be for a reason.'
Don’t try to plan everything out to the very last detail. I’m a big believer in just getting it out there: create a minimal viable product or website, launch it, and get feedback.
I happen to be a big believer in home ownership. I'm also a big believer that if someone wants to have a crack at the mining industry in Port Hedland, then they should be able to collect their... benefits in Port Hedland even though they are from Alice Springs. It should be mobile.
Whatever's meant to be, will be. I'm a firm believer in that and I'll make it work.
I am a big believer that eventually everything comes back to you. You get back what you give out.
I can be a bit serious because I'm always focused on my work, but when Meri's around I feel so relaxed. My body and soul are like, 'Ah, OK, everything is fine.' I know I am meant to be with her. It feels right.
Pay attention to the work you want to do and everything'll work out fine. If you're in it for the ego, you might be successful but at a limited level.
I'm a big believer in puking out all your thoughts in a single sitting and getting some version of the work down, because the alternative just prolongs the agony. The first draft is hideous and ajskdlkdfksjdfslfjk, but it's just a map for where the big blocks go.
Then it was this big thing. She was like, 'I never want to see you again', and I was like, 'Fine. Okay? Fine. Then get some special goggles.
I'm a big believer that when we put so much into our jobs - and everyone does - you deserve to be get paid for it instead of doing a gig and then having to work in a bar for eight hours.
I'm a big believer of work/life balance. You need a little down time to recharge to make sure that when you're here, you're really all here. I still have a child in high school, so I go to her sporting events, even if it means leaving work and working again when I get home. I probably should work out a little more than I do.
I'm a believer that some messages are not meant to be shared publicly. They're meant to stay inside the clubhouse.
come back believer in shade believer in silence and elegance believer in ferns believer in patience believer in the rain
I'm a big believer in doing everything you can and everything in your power to change the outcome. But health is one of those things you can't control, and it's a very scary thing for me.
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