A Quote by Amit Ray

Life throws challenges and every challenge comes with rainbows and lights to conquer it — © Amit Ray
Life throws challenges and every challenge comes with rainbows and lights to conquer it
Every scene is a challenge. There are technical challenges, but often it's the simplest challenge where you feel a sense of achievement when you pull it off.
Only as a warrior can one withstand the path of knowledge. A warrior cannot complain or regret anything. His life is an endless challenge, and challenges cannot possibly be good or bad. Challenges are simply challenges.
I enjoy competition. I enjoy challenges. If a challenge is in front of me and it appeals to me, I will go ahead and conquer it.
I love competing against the best players. I have a huge challenge, and that's to win a U.S. Open and complete the Grand Slam. I enjoy that challenge. Every year it comes around, I get excited to try to conquer that opportunity. I love it.
Every challenge takes you a little deeper and awakens you again and again. Without the challenges, you probably would go to back to sleep. The challenges keep you awake.
While I don't necessarily believe the cliche that 'everything happens for a reason,' I do believe that every encounter, every situation, and every challenge I've experienced has shaped me into the woman I am today. And I am proud to say that I have never backed down from life's challenges.
A lot of people say, 'Well, I like a challenge. 'I don`t like challenges. Life is tough enough without any challenges.
Change is the nature of life but challenge is the future of life. So challenge the changes. Never change the challenges.
I have many phobias. But there are times when life throws challenges at you and you dont have an option, you cant give up and just perform.
I find faith in human perseverance, even as the universe throws challenge after challenge our way.
I love talking about the challenges [Newark, NJ] has because of the way they are always brilliantly disguised as opportunities.. .the biggest global challenge that there is is a challenge of the spirit, a challenge of our vision, a challenge and a test of our ideals, of who we SAY we are GOING TO BE.
People who postpone happiness are like children who try chasing rainbows in an effort to find the pot of gold at the rainbows end...Your life will never be fulfilled until you are happy here and now.
I don't live under the burden of worries. Problems and challenges are there, you can't deny that. But you must challenge the challenges and not let the challenges turn into worries.
Sometimes, challenges and struggles are exactly what we need in our lives...May you welcome every effort, every struggle, and every challenge...May you open your wings and fly!
Everyone knows life throws you curve balls, in my case it's like life throws me giant boulders.
Truly, the challenges we face are not Democratic challenges or Republican challenges. In fact, they are not political challenges at all; they are fiscal challenges, and educational challenges, and the challenges of figuring out how to take care of each other...
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