A Quote by Amy Adams

I always want to defeat supervillains - it's just the chicken-and-broccoli diet that I'm not into. — © Amy Adams
I always want to defeat supervillains - it's just the chicken-and-broccoli diet that I'm not into.
If I was a supervillain then I guess I'd want what all supervillains want, which is world domination. I wouldn't want anything less than all the other supervillains.
My diet is just the normal stuff that you know is healthy - nice, clean food - meats, vegetables, fresh juices. I don't have too many sauces, I just like really plain chicken, broccoli: all clean stuff.
I tried eating vegetarian. I felt like a wimp going into a restaurant. "What do you want to eat sir? Broccoli?" Broccoli's a side dish, folks. Always was, always will be, OK! When they ask me what I want, I say: What do you think I want? This is America. I want a bowl of raw red meat right now.
You don't want to make a steady diet of just lettuce. You don't want to make a steady diet of fried chicken.
If there's foods I don't like, like kale, it doesn't mean that I'm not efficient in my diet; it just means I can eat broccoli and other green vegetables. That's what people don't understand, is that as long as you're having a variety of foods in your diet, you don't have to have the food of the week that's everyone going crazy about.
There's plenty of days when I don't want to eat chicken breast and broccoli and rice, but I know what I have to do, and I know the sacrifice I have to make.
There are truckloads of broccoli at this very minute descending on Washington. My family is divided. For the broccoli vote out there: Barbara loves broccoli. She has tried to make me eat it. She eats it all the time herself. So she can go out and meet the caravan of broccoli that's coming in.
I don't think anyone likes anything of mine. At the end of the day, I love it, but just because I love it... I happen to love broccoli, not a lot of people like broccoli. I always question if somebody else is going to love my films.
Sometimes I lifted a chicken that warn't roosting comfortable, and took him along. Pap always said, take a chicken when you get achance, because if you don't want him yourself you can easy find somebody that does, and a good deed ain't ever forgot. I never see papa when he didn't want the chicken himself, but that is what he used to say, anyway.
I'm not a fussy eater, but when I'm travelling, I try to stick to the same regime and just have my chicken and my mash and broccoli. Otherwise, you start eating all these funny delicacies, and it makes your tummy turn upside down.
I had to go on the strict caveman diet where you eat only vegetables, chicken, and egg whites. This diet in many ways sounds right to me, and it has worked wonderfully.
I don't diet. There's going to be barbecues and macaroni and cheese - but I'll have broccoli and salad the next day.
I think that it's perhaps harder to learn from victory than it is from defeat. I think that we don't want defeat. We don't want defeat in sport. We don't want defeat in life. How are we going to be beaten? All right. We have to deal with those things. What's going to cause us to lose the game, whatever the game might be?
My main aim is to change our perception of how we look at vegetables because I think vegetables have always been put on the side - it's always been your steamed broccoli or boiled broccoli with your meat.
My diet is always extremely important to me. I've taken a new approach to eating in terms of my blood type. I really don't eat much chicken, sugar, salts, or beef. Just eating clean and feeling so much better.
I've been using carrot tops to make pesto and broccoli stalks to make broccoli 'rice.' There's no reason to throw those things away - just get creative.
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