A Quote by Amy Childs

I've got a personal trainer, and I train three times a week. — © Amy Childs
I've got a personal trainer, and I train three times a week.
I train five times a week, usually three-four times with my personal trainer.
I work free-weights and do circuit training with my trainer 4-5 times a week. I also train in Brazilian Ju Jitsu several times a week.
I try to go to the gym three to four times a week and mix it up with yoga or a personal trainer.
I have a responsibility to lots of people in my life. I have three children, I'm a wife, I have 60 staff and lots of charity shops, so therefore I have a responsibility to be well, I think. I have a personal trainer three times a week, I do yoga and I meditate.
I want more muscles! I go to the gym three or four times a week with a personal trainer. I can afford that now. I can't put on weight though, no matter how much I eat.
I skate six days a week, three sessions a day, and I go to the gym three times a week. I lift weights, do some ab work and whatever my trainer tells me to do. I take Saturdays off.
I have to stay in shape for the physical endeavour stunts I do. I work out a lot. I have a personal trainer. I go two or three times a week. I'm on a diet where I photograph everything I eat and send it to her.
We live in the countryside, 15 minutes from the closest town, so I would never have time to drive and go somewhere. So I have a personal trainer come to my house, normally three times a week, and we do circuit training depending on what I need.
I work out three times a week with a trainer.
I have a personal trainer who comes home. I work out three times a week for an hour each and focus on concentrated body weight training and cardio. Honestly, I don't always work out if I am too busy with shoots.
I circuit train three times a week and run 10 km once a week.
I work out with a trainer three times a week, and I try to take long walks and hikes.
I love dancing to Latin music, so I have a trainer who dances with me for an hour three times a week.
In the off-season, I train twice a day, five times a week with my trainer. Then, there's always massages and neuromuscular therapy worked in there as well on different days.
I have a personal trainer who comes over at least four times a week and kicks my butt. I get so sore that I can't even walk.
When I go on location, we have a schedule. And when you have a schedule, you know when you're not working, so I train very well on location. But I also train three or four times a week at home, but today I train differently than before.
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