A Quote by Amy Klobuchar

I would prefer a public option that would be a competitive option that would allow people to buy into a Federal Employee Health Benefits Program, which is a series of private plans.
I would love to see public option. If we had public option, then people would have that ability to supplement that public option with an additional health plan.
Providing access to a public option for health insurance would allow all Americans the choice to buy a government insurance plan, much like I buy for my family as a military retiree.
I would not outlaw or eliminate private health insurance. But if we do a good enough job, with a robust public option, there really should not be as much of a need for private insurance in the market.
Ancelotti would be an interesting option for Bundesliga clubs. Of course, there would only be one or two clubs in Germany that would be an option for a world-class coach like him.
My hope was that by saying clearly to Saddam Hussein, "we're going to enforce UN Resolutions," that he would make the decision to leave peaceably and at least allow for inspectors to come into his country, and if he chose not to, there would be a military option. I want people to understand that the military was my last option. I had a strategy and hopefully solving the problem peacefully - and it wasn't just me, it was a coalition of nations that were involved.
Obamacare does not allow patients to buy insurance across state lines, which would dramatically increase competition and lower costs. It does not allow small business-associated health plans. It limits low-cost health savings accounts options.
I'm looking into making toilet paper. It's not an option unless you a bum and gotta use newspaper. It's not an option. Like, it's an option if you wanna drive a car. It's an option if you wanna use a straw. It's an option if you wanna wear a pair of Nikes or Reeboks.
At the heart of President Barack Obama's health-care plan is an insurance program funded by taxpayers, administered by Washington, and open to everyone. Modeled on Medicare, this 'public option' will soon become the single dominant health plan, which is its political purpose. It will restructure the practice of medicine in the process.
One option is to run Medicaid like a health program - rather than an exercise in political morals - and let states tailor benefits to the individual needs of patients, even if that means abandoning the unworkable myth of 'comprehensive' coverage.
Russia's only real geostrategic option - the option that would give Russia a realistic international role and also maximize the opportunity of transforming and socially modernizing itself - is Europe.
Many Syrians understand that the only option that exists is the option of peace, which means the option of compromise, .. Nobody can have 100 percent of his desires. He must compromise.
No one will be forced to take the public option. The word option means choice.
Public schools in the late '80s and early '90s were a total mess... we felt that if I was going to have a good educational option in my life, I would have to go to a public school district that actually served its children.
We have a very robust set of plans. And people have looked at both of our plans, have concluded that mine would create 10 million jobs and yours [Donald Trump] would lose us 3.5 million jobs, and explode the debt which would have a recession.
My return is not about seeing Formula One as the best option, but is about seeing the role at Williams as the best option. I would not have returned for any other team.
My principal contribution to the Black-Scholes option-pricing theory was to show that the dynamic trading strategy prescribed by Black and Scholes to offset the risk exposure of an option would provide a perfect hedge in the limit of continuous trading.
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