A Quote by An Wang

Markets change, tastes change, so the companies and the individuals who choose to compete in those markets must change. — © An Wang
Markets change, tastes change, so the companies and the individuals who choose to compete in those markets must change.
Be persistent. Editors change; tastes change; editorial markets change. Too many beginning writers give up too easily.
The ability to change one's mind is probably a key characteristic of the successful investor. Dogmatic and rigid personalities rarely, if ever, succeed in the markets. The markets are a dynamic process, and sustained investment success requires the ability to modify and even change strategies as markets evolve.
I know that things change and markets change. Those are the realities of the business.
Markets do not run better when manufacturing shifts to China largely because of the actions of its government. Nor do they become more efficient when Chinese companies are given special privileges in global markets, while American companies must struggle to compete with unfairly traded goods.
We can change society, change humanity by changing ourselves as individuals. By cultivating inner values, we can change our own lives and those of our families. This is how we can create a more peaceful world.
I recognize thart even you, yourself, will change. Your ideals will change, your tastes will change, your desires will change. Your whole understandings of who you are had better change, because if it doesn't change, you've become a very static personality over a great many years, and nothing would displease me more. And so I recognize that the process of evolution will produce changes in you.
You see, I know change I see change I embody change All we do is change Yeah, I know change We are born to change We sometimes regard it as a metaphor That reflects the way things ought to be In fact change takes time It exceeds expectations It requires both now and then See, although the players change The song remains the same And the truth is... You gotta have the balls to change
The single most significant change has been the globalization of labor markets. Product markets - trade in goods - have been globalizing for years. But now, with the reduction in communication expenses and the building of all sorts of IT infrastructure, essentially any job can be done almost anywhere.
Two years gives you enough time to grow and to change, and to, you know, change your priorities. Change where you live, change your hair, change what you believe in, change who you hang out with, what’s influencing you, what’s inspiring you. And in the process of all of those changes in the last two years, my music changed.
This extraordinary arrogance that change must start at the top is a way of guaranteeing that change will not happen in most companies.
Life is movement. Movement is change. Every time a sub molecular particle swings through time and space, something is changing. Change, therefore, is inevitable. It is the nature of life itself. The trick in life is not to try to avoid change, but to create change. Then it is the kind of change you choose.
I'm always trying to change things - change my character, change my look, change my hair, change my facial hair, change my costumes, or implement different jackets or catchphrases. I try to keep myself fresh.
What is clear is that business leaders must commit to champion change - to be transparent about their goals for change, to align their incentives systems to drive the change, and to make sure their work environments are flexible in a way that allows men and women who choose to work to be able to achieve all of their potential.
If we make all of the people good, markets will be good. If markets are bad, which they are, that means people are bad, which they are. Want good markets? Change the people.
I accepted a change in my life. I didn't choose that change and those are the best changes to make.
There are two types of change: the change we choose and the change that chooses us.
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