A Quote by Ana Navarro

I cast my vote against Donald Trump. I did it without joy or enthusiasm. I did it out of civic duty and love for our country. — © Ana Navarro
I cast my vote against Donald Trump. I did it without joy or enthusiasm. I did it out of civic duty and love for our country.
I did not vote for Donald Trump and I do not support him but I believe that Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in a long time. He's bringing out the country's ugliness. There's no turning a blind eye anymore.
To all those in the sound of my voice who share our values, who know that we can be a stronger America at home and abroad, a more prosperous America - that we can revive America the way that Ronald Reagan did in the 1980s, and that we can add justices to the Supreme Court who honor and uphold our Constitution - now is the time to come out, to take the time to cast that vote and make Donald Trump the president of the United States.
We have to remember that at the center of all of this is the hacking, is what the Russians did during our election process, their absolute targeting our democracy. And there's President Donald Trump laughing with them. Sergey Lavrov said they did not talk about the charges against Russia. And you still hear President Trump talking as if this may not be true, others may have hacked, as well.
I did in fact take a couple of classes at my local college here in NYC. But I did it unwillingly and without enthusiasm. That is until a protest broke out in the streets around campus against rising tuition costs.
The media cannot come separate [Donald] Trump from his supporters. Only Trump can do that. They're trying, they're gonna keep trying because they think they can. They did it with [George W.]Bush. They did it with [Mitt] Romney. They did it with [John] McCain. They did it with Bob Dole.
Will I support our president, whoever that might be? Absolutely. Did I vote for Donald Trump? Absolutely.
For many of us, this is very painful, pulling the lever for someone many think odious. But please consider this: A vote for Donald Trump is not necessarily a vote for Donald Trump himself. It is a vote for those who will be affected by the results of this election. Not to vote is to vote. God will not hold us guiltless.
Did Donald Trump apologize for taking after somebody in a Twitter war and making fun of her weight? Did he apologize for saying African-Americans are living in Hell? Did he apologize for saying President Obama was not even a citizen of the United States? You will look in vain to see Donald Trump ever taking responsibility for anybody and apologizing.
I'll bet you there are a lot of Donald Trump people out there who say, "If he has to work with Democrats to get what he wants done, then so be it. Even when Trump did the first deal with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi on expanding the debt limit - and he talked about extending the debt limit forever 'cause it was such a good thing, Trump did." I had people saying, "You know what? I love it!" I'm talking about rock-ribbed, lifetime Republicans who said to me, "I love Trump sticking it to Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, but I not sure I like it being done this way."
We have a duty to warn on an individual basis if we are treating someone who may be dangerous to herself or to others - a duty to warn people who are in danger from that person. We feel it's our duty to warn the country about the danger of this president. If we think we have learned something about Donald Trump and his psychology that is dangerous to the country, yes, we have an obligation to say so.
Paul Ryan is loved in our state because he's a conservative who has advocated for conservative policies, and Donald Trump coming out saying favorable things about Mr. Ryan's opponent doesn't add to the number of voters in Wisconsin that'll vote Donald Trump.
Hillary [Clinton] had all these A-listers, well, look at this parade of losers that did that video encouraging electors to not vote for [Donald] Trump.
Anyway, it's not true that the authorities cannot access the content of the phone even if there is no back door. When I was at the NSA, we did this every single day, even on Sundays. I believe that encryption is a civic responsibility, a civic duty.
Back when Donald Trump was just starting in the primaries, and I was asked, 'What do you think of Trump?' I would say, 'Donald Trump is a great example of someone in our country being able to truly do anything. You can dream, you can do it. And that's a great example of that. But when the primaries are over, Donald Trump will be gone.'
I did not endorse Trump, because I had condemned President Obama for telling us what to do in our referendum. But I did say that if I was a U.S. citizen, I would not vote for Hillary Clinton even if she paid me.
Maybe my job made 0.1% of difference, but Donald Trump did 99.9% of the work, and anyone who tells you different doesn't know Donald Trump.
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