A Quote by Andi Dorfman

To me, running is almost like multitasking. You get to people-watch or tour a city that you've never been in while exercising. — © Andi Dorfman
To me, running is almost like multitasking. You get to people-watch or tour a city that you've never been in while exercising.
Unfortunately, I don't usually get to see much outside the Olympics as I compete almost every day. I have been to Rio a few times and got a tour of the sites. It is a spectacular city.
I love baseball games. I got to go to World Series last year. I watch almost every Cubs game. If I can't watch, I get the updates on my phone. I don't like to go to parties that much. I don't like a lot of people around me, but not in like a weird anxiety way. I just don't like to have to talk to a lot of people.
I almost never these days sit down with a CD or my laptop and just listen to a piece with a score. I probably would do that while I'm exercising.
I love running in nature. I don't like running on the streets, I don't like running in the city, I don't like running on the concrete. I love running in nature, so Jamaica provides a lot of that for me.
If you look at me, basically my whole entire life I've been around water. So when you look at a stat like, "If you leave the faucet running for two minutes while you brush your teeth you waste four gallons of water," to me that's mind-blowing. There are so many people that don't even have access to clean water, and people leave their faucets running. For me it was something that fit with things that I believe in.
And you know, almost in a perverse way, I wish it had been undue influence because we know how to correct that. We get rid of the people who, in fact, were exercising that.
Whenever I go to a new city, in order to help get on the right time zone and actually get a chance to see that city, I like running.
I've been doing yoga since 1980 or '81, and I've kind of developed my own routine. It's challenging and thorough, but I'm not holy about it. Sometimes I'll watch a tape of Jon Stewart's show while exercising.
We have to stop meeting like this." And that was the truest thing ever spoke. I needed to stop staring at his bicep... and chest... and tattoo. Never thought the sun could be so... sexy. Wow. This was awkward. "You running over me, me almost running over you?" Cam elaborated. "It's like we're a catastrophe waiting to happen.
In San Paulo I went to the movies and by the time I left the theater there was a mob at the exit. I had never been in that kind of situation when we weren't on tour and there was a whole bunch of security. I'm a little dude, and out of nowhere to have 50 or 60 people come running towards me when I'm jut with my friend, it was kind of scary.
Exercising has a calming influence on me. It's almost like a meditation.
I enjoy running, especially in a new city, so when I'm on tour that's always a good option.
I don't like to veer away from the truth because I think that's what people have fallen in love with about my music. It's honest. I can't portray to you something that I've never been through or something I didn't watch someone close to me go through. It's the best way for people to get to me know.
As far as exercising goes... watch for my next book, How I died while Jogging.
I enjoy running, especially in a new city, so when Im on tour thats always a good option.
It's tough though because of the whole part about getting sponsors and people out to watch women's cycling. I think the only way that women can really work it is that we have to work our way more into these big grand tours that the men have like the Tour de Georgia, Tour of Utah, and Tour of California.
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