A Quote by Andrade

I feel that I have had great matches with Rey Mysterio, AJ Styles, Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins. — © Andrade
I feel that I have had great matches with Rey Mysterio, AJ Styles, Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins.
Sometimes styles don't translate. Rey Mysterio was a master of doing that. No matter where he went, Rey could make his style adapt. But not everyone is Rey Mysterio.
For me, it was the early independent era of AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Daniel Bryan that inspired me and they were in sports halls and grimy little venues having fantastic wrestling matches and that's what appealed to me about wrestling at the time.
Mostly the guys I worked with like wrestling AJ Styles, Jamie Noble, wrestling Chavo Guerrero, wrestling Rey Mysterio... As much as I try to be an individual or unique I can't deny the strong effect these guys have all had on me.
Sami Zayn and I have had a long history. Same goes for Adrian Neville. I might not get the chance to work with them now, but Seth Rollins, Cesaro and Daniel Bryan, all those guys, we all spent a lot of time together wrestling all over the place.
I think everybody would like to see me against AJ Styles at 'WrestleMania'. That's one that people have talked about, but I also really like Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins.
The word dream match is thrown around quite a bit, and I mean if you think about it. There's all these possibilities, like what if Edge could face Roman Reigns or Seth Rollins? Or, a guy like AJ Styles.
I always had fun with my great friend Rey Mysterio Jr. I think it would be fantastic to have my very last match against someone like him because my very first match in WWE was against Rey Mysterio Jr. I know that all the pro wrestling fans, in particular the Mexican fans, would love to see Rey Mysterio against me for my very last match.
One week, you're facing Daniel Bryan, and next week, you're teaming with AJ Styles. You're in the ring with the best in the world. Part of me wants to tell myself they don't just put anybody in the ring with them. I obviously want to be as good as them, and I feel like I can be and I can hang with them.
We had a show called NXT, and Daniel Bryan was my rookie, and I was his pro. And the object was for the pros teach the rookies what it's like to be a WWE Superstar. As soon as that hit the Internet, the Internet thought it was absurd: 'How dare WWE put Daniel Bryan as Miz's rookie? Daniel Bryan should be the pro.'
My first time actually appearing in a match at SummerSlam was 2010, and I was wrestling against Rey Mysterio in the opening match of the show. I was pretty brand new as Dolph Ziggler, and obviously Rey Mysterio was a well known superstar.
Everyone knows some day I'm gonna beat the crap out of Seth Rollins - that would be awesome. I'd love to beat the crap out of him. I'd just love to have a great match with Seth Rollins.
My little niece used to call me and say 'I like watching that Uncle Darren, can I have a T-shirt of AJ Lee' and I went 'they don't make any' and it just struck me. We have Rey Mysterio for little boys. But we don't have anything for little girls.
Daniel Bryan is someone who I definitely think I can have good matches with.
When I saw Daniel Bryan win the world title, that was the most incredible atmosphere, especially after Undertaker just losing his streak, which was such an awkward and weird feeling in the building. To feel the feeling of the fans once Daniel Bryan wins his title - it was... I can't even explain it.
I want to be on 'SmackDown' because it has AJ Styles, Randy Orton, and John Cena - a lot of dream matches I can do.
What makes our business so unique is that if a cruiserweight and a heavyweight get into the ring, styles like Rey Mysterio, Jericho, Guventud, Eddie, are able to jump from that label from cruiserweight into a heavyweight.
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