A Quote by Andre Agassi

I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start with not caring how I feel. That's going to feel great. — © Andre Agassi
I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start with not caring how I feel. That's going to feel great.
We spend so much of our lives doing math problems on how to feel good. It's such a waste of time. You're going to feel how you feel. It's hard to just set up a way that you're going to live your life that is going to be just endlessly happy and healthy. That's impossible.
You wake up because you killed someone and you're afraid of going to jail. And the moment you wake up you feel safe and it's over and you can meet that person in the street and you're not going to jail. The good thing about dreams is that they erase some kind of desire, because after your dreams you feel you've done it, and you're relieved.
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.
Your ups and downs in sports, I think they are as normal as daily life: One day you wake up and feel great, the next day you wake up and feel maybe less great.
Unless you're Gisele, you wake up some days and feel ugly. When that happens, I accept that I'm not perfect and it's OK; I can start over again tomorrow.
I still feel I'm going to wake up any moment, and my skin's going to break out all over.
I feel we all have the obligation, myself. I want to live in a more humane, civilized society, and I feel like the only way we're going to achieve that is if we all take it upon ourselves. I just wish we could be a more caring society. I feel like we're social Darwinists who believe that everyone has to make it on their own. But the reality is that we all don't start out on the same footing.
If you're a serious actor, it's when you know you're going to die tomorrow that you really start to feel it.
You know, I'm incredibly blessed to be able to have this level of choice as an artist today. In this economy, it's something that I, you know, pinch myself at constantly, just thinking about how I could wake up tomorrow and decide I'm going to start painting this or that. So it's good.
It can be difficult going through a period of time where you feel depressed because it can become your identifier. In the sense that you wake up, you're depressed; you talk to your friends, you're complaining that you're depressed; you talk to your parents, you're unmotivated. You know what you could do to try to overcome it - although obviously there's no cure - but you start to feel like, 'what will happen to me if I feel better? Who am I when I'm happy. I'm so used to feeling like this.'
There was a bit of a readjustment period because I didn't know what it was going to be like. I didn't know what was happening, how it was going to be, how it was all going to feel. As time went on it was great. Everything felt good so we decided to go with it.
I wake up at 6 A.M. and start with yoga. I'm by no means a morning person, but I've trained myself to become one. My husband wakes up at 4:30 A.M., so he makes me feel like a loser. When you wake up and no one is in the bed, it kind of gets you up.
As far as the weight is concerned, I feel great whatever it is. I'm going to be in there and I'm going to bang. I feel I'm in great condition.
I just didn't feel very good. One day I woke up and I was like: "All right. I'm going to start eating right. I'm going to start working out." I figured it might help me feel a little bit better - even if I was still sick, it might help me move forward with my struggles. I just kind of turned a corner.
I'm never going to wake up and look in the mirror and think, 'Yes, I'll go out and meet people.' Most of the time, you wake up, look in the mirror, and want to give up. And that doesn't change. It isn't awful; it's just the way I feel.
I feel my knees changing - like, why do I have this pain when I'm running on the treadmill? What's going on with my lower back when I wake up in the morning? I just feel changes. And I'm definitely fearful in a very vain manner about my body ageing.
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