A Quote by Andre Gide

There's a law in life: whenever a door closes, a new one will open. — © Andre Gide
There's a law in life: whenever a door closes, a new one will open.
It is one of life's laws that as soon as one door closes another opens. But the tragedy is we look at the closed door and disregard the open one.
When one door closes, fortune will usually open another.
There is a law in life: When one door closes to us another one opens.
I didn't have a career plan. But what I did was, whenever there was a door open and a new opportunity, I always looked into it and took a chance and walked through the door.
I do believe that at times God opens some doors and closes others, but our mistake is to confuse an open door for an easy door
As cliche as it sounds, when one door closes, another one opens. Whenever I've gotten bad news about something, within a week or two there's another opportunity that brings new hope or keeps me motivated.
I know that when a door closes, it can feel like all doors are closing. A rejection letter can feel like everyone will reject us. But a closed door leads to clarity. It's really an arrow. Because we cannot go through that door, we will go somewhere else. That somewhere else is your true life.
I think staying grounded is one of the hardest things we'll ever do in our lives. It's always back and forth. To be able to stay grounded, we need to live with open hands that everything that we have has been given to us by the creator of this universe. He can take it, and he can give it back to us. He can take some things, and he can give us new things. When a door closes, a new one is going to open.
A shot is a lever; it's all it is. You don't open a car door differently each time. A car door is efficient - it opens and closes. So is a shot.
With every door that closes a new one opens.
Difficulties are opportunities to better things; they are stepping-stones to greater experience...When one door closes, another always opens; as a natural law it has to, to balance.
When your failures surround you, and all the open doors have closed, look up. There’s a door that never closes, a way, when all the other ways have failed you.
When people say to me: "Oh don't worry, if one door closes another one opens..." If one door closes for me, go through the window - I'm not interested in waiting around for people to give me opportunities. I try and make things happen and if I am given opportunities I take them and work harder.
The Open Hearts design was inspired by my Mom's advice that only when you keep your heart open can you best give and receive love. My hope is that the design will become a universal symbol of keeping an open heart - open to life's new experiences, open to allow something new and beautiful to come in.
If one door closes and another does not open, try climbing thru a window, either way, make your way in.
When life closes a door, God opens a window.
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