A Quote by Andreas Pereira

At United, they teach me about things off the pitch as well, how to deal with stuff with your family and how to be a man. That part is very important, not just the football side but off the pitch as well.
If the pitch starts with a sob story, I'm out. If the pitch talks about personal issues, I'm out. If the pitch starts off with how big the market opportunity is, I'm out. If the pitch tells me what is unique about the product, how it can make a profit, and it's an area where I have expertise, I will read on.
The interaction with Marco Reus is also very good. We understand each other very well, both on and off the pitch. If we get along privately, then that affects things on the pitch. We're almost like brothers.
For me it's pretty simple to diagnose concussion on a football pitch. If there's any doubt about it, then in my eyes, they should take the player off the pitch.
I get told off by my mum for being a bit rough on the pitch. I'm in the referee's ear a lot - referees probably hate me - but it's just part of my game. My mum tells me off for that as well; speaking to refs too much.
I think you need to know how to seperate what happens on the pitch from off-the-pitch matters.
I've always been shy; it's just that I transform on the pitch. I'm a different person. Off the pitch, I'm another person. That's how it has to be.
You have a personality inside the pitch and off the pitch and in the changing room, too. The most important thing is to be respected by your teammates, and that's the case at Tottenham.
The one great thing about football is that whatever happens it will manifest itself on the pitch. If it's right, you'll see it on the pitch, if it's wrong, it will be on the pitch. In business you can get fellas who are doing crooked deals and nobody knows anything about it. There is an ultimate honesty about football. Politics is part of the lying game, I wouldn't trust any of them. In football you can hide for a while, but ultimately the truth comes out. I always loved that.
Paul Scholes was the main figure for me growing up. His attitude, he's humble off the pitch - you didn't hear much about him - but on the pitch, he was loud, aggressive, liked to tackle, and I learned off him.
I think people don't really understand how much footballers are affected by the people in their lives. When we're interviewed, people always ask about managers and tactics and training, but they almost never ask about what's going on off the pitch, and to me, that's just as important to your career.
It is not nearly so important how well a message is received as how well it is sent. You cannot take responsibility for how well another accepts your truth; you can only ensure how well it is communicated. And by how well, I don't mean merely how clearly; I mean how lovingly, how compassionately, how sensitively, how courageously, and how completely.
I don't have to get a pitch down the middle. If I like the pitch-even if it's 15 inches off the plate, and that's the pitch I wanted-I'm swinging.
Everything you do off the pitch always shows so you have to work on yourself physically as well, it's not just working on your touch.
I can proudly say that I had no scandal throughout my career. And there was no serious injury worries because of what I was taught how to live off the pitch. It was very important.
I believe that I am a different person off the pitch than I am on it. On the pitch, I am a bit louder, and off the pitch, I am quieter.
Tactics are so important because everybody has to know what they have to do on the pitch. The relationships and behaviours off the pitch between team-mates have to be as good as possible.
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