A Quote by Andrew Ripp

I'm trying my best to sound like me rather than trying my best to write hits or praying to God that people respond. I've arrived in a very healthy place and it feels great! — © Andrew Ripp
I'm trying my best to sound like me rather than trying my best to write hits or praying to God that people respond. I've arrived in a very healthy place and it feels great!
Nobody's perfect and I don't want to try and portray that but I'm genuinely doing the best I can out here; trying to support my family the best that I can, trying to make them proud and happy and everybody having the best life they can live. I'm trying to provide a better life for them than I had.
The best managers figure out how to get great outcomes by setting the appropriate context, rather than by trying to control their people.
I'm always trying to challenge everyone to raise the game on the artistic level. We are supposed to be the best. Make sure we don't get complacent or comfortable, and always trying to push the limit on trying to write great songs. At the end of the day it's why we do what we do.
I like albums where all the songs are written in one go. If you're trying to create the number-one album with the best songs ever, I get why you'd want to write for three years and pick the best ones, but for me, I'd rather hear a group of songs that are all expressing a state, or time of your life. I think it's more that.
The last thing I think I am is perfect. I'm just trying to do the best job I can. I'm trying to be the best father I can to my kids. I'm trying to do the best job I can running my business.
What I do when speaking in public is trying to do it as best as possible and trying to make everybody comfortable with my words. Sometimes getting this is very difficult, but I try my best.
I'm pretty relaxed, trying to enjoy the races, trying to do the best I can in the car, trying to the give the best to the team, and that's the most important thing.
I'm not really into all this trying to be No. 1, trying to be King of New York. I'm not with that, I'm just trying to do the best I can and know at the end of the day I gave it my best.
I'm not trying to get across some sort of message or statement. I'm just literally trying to write the best songs I can write. It's all that matters.
It's a job to me, basically. I'm not trying to be the best fighter in the world or nothing like that. I don't come in trying to think I am the best fighter. I don't care about none of that. It's just a job to me.
There's a marvelous sense of mastery that comes with writing a sentence that sounds exactly as you want it to. It's like trying to write a song, making tiny tweaks, reading it out loud, shifting things to make it sound a certain way... Sometimes it feels like digging out of a hole, but sometimes it feels like flying. When it's working and the rhythm's there, it does feel like magic to me.
What I've found is there is no barometer that allows you to chart when you're oversaturating a desire. You're left really trying to respond on a gut level, because by the time you might do research, it's already too late. There's also a healthy tension between what are very sound business objectives and a very amorphous desire to preserve what's special.
When I go into a room to write, it's like I'm not trying to say, 'I need to write a song that sounds like Eric Church or Jason Aldean.' I just try to get the best song that's in the room that day. Whatever style or sound that may be, I'm not afraid to attack it at that angle.
If everything I did failed - which it doesn't, it actually succeeds - just the fact that I'm willing to fail is an inspiration. People are so scared to lose that they don't even try. Like, one thing people can't say is that I'm not trying, and not I'm not trying my hardest, and I'm not trying to do the best way I know how.
I'm not a 'Yes Man,' and I've always preferred to go back and forth and find something we both agree on so I can do it to the best of my ability. That was taken in WWE as trying to do what was best for me. In reality, I was trying to be different.
You may have decided again and again, and again and again you have failed - not because smoking is such a great phenomenon that you cannot get out of it, but because you are trying from the wrong end. Rather than becoming aware of the whole situation - why you smoke in the first place - rather than becoming aware of the process of smoking, you are simply trying to drop it. It is like pruning the leaves of a tree without cutting the roots.
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