A Quote by Andrew Scheer

While millionaire Liberals like Justin Trudeau may want higher gas prices, hardworking Canadian families definitely do not. — © Andrew Scheer
While millionaire Liberals like Justin Trudeau may want higher gas prices, hardworking Canadian families definitely do not.
Just from a political perspective, do you think the president of the United States going into re-election wants gas prices to go up higher? Look, here's the bottom line with respect to gas prices: I want gas prices lower because they hurt families.
The horn of dilemma of energy politics is what really drives concern about this energy in this country, at the gut level for most people, is high gas prices. And if you really want to fight global warming and try to reduce our carbon emissions, the cleanest, easiest, most rational way to do it would to make the price of gas even higher through very stiff gas prices.
John Kerry's campaign attacks on gas prices ignore the reality of Kerry's long record of supporting higher gas prices and blocking the president's comprehensive energy plan.
I think when Justin Trudeau tweets - and Justin Trudeau tweets just like Donald Trump tweets. He occasionally just tweets things. And when he tweets that we're welcoming everyone, I mean, we're not a utopia for immigration as well. I mean, we have all sorts of issues that are very similar to the United States.
I actually think Justin Trudeau's approach to label people who have legitimate concerns with his issues as being un-Canadian and intolerant - that is very dangerous.
I don't know that endorsement's important, so I'm not necessarily here to endorse, but what I will say is, if I was a Canadian resident, I would support my friend and his party, Justin Trudeau.
President Donald Trump has made it very clear he wants to move Canadian jobs to the United States. There's no reason why Justin Trudeau should be helping him.
Justin Trudeau had a message of asking Canadians to have trust in our immigration system. The problem is Canadians don't have trust in the Liberals to manage it.
Justin Trudeau tries to say that Canada is back. I say the Liberals are back - back to ignoring the rules and abusing the privileges of power.
There's such an aura around the Trudeau name and I understand that. But it's also so weird for me because I'm still a normal bride and, you know, it's a cliché to say, but Justin is just my Justin.
The EPA's greenhouse gas regulations, along with a host of other onerous regulations, are unnecessarily driving out conventional fuels as part of America's energy mix. The consequences are higher energy prices for families and a contraction of our nation's economic growth.
While Justin Trudeau uses the slogan, 'Diversity is our strength,' he has demonstrated time and again that he does not extend that diversity to thought or conscience.
I've always been worried about Justin Trudeau's attitude towards trade. We saw during the softwood lumber negotiations that he failed to get an extension while President Obama was still in office.
Basically, if you're a young Canadian now and Trudeau puts this country into $1.5 trillion in debt, you will never have the opportunity that I had as a young Canadian.
Finally, we should help developing nations like China and India curb their exponentially increasing consumption of oil and natural gas, which is driving world prices higher.
While Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reaches out to embrace suffering Syrians, his government seems ready to throw embattled Mexicans under the bus just to appease Mr. Trump.
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