A Quote by Andrew Taylor Still

To find health should be the object of the doctor. Any one can find disease. — © Andrew Taylor Still
To find health should be the object of the doctor. Any one can find disease.
If thou couldst, doctor, cast The water of my land, find her disease, And purge it to a sound and pristine health, I would applaud thee to the very echo, That should applaud you again.
Before you take the first dose of any medication your doctor prescribes, you should make it your business to find out more about the drug than the doctor himself knows.
The doctor has been taught to be interested not in health but in disease. What the public is taught is that health is the cure for disease.
If you don't have a doctor that inspires you, no matter what you have, you should find one that does. Because I feel like my doctor helped me stay alive.
What I think a doctor should do is prevent disease, by any means necessary.
Over and over, nature shows that it's a really tough adversary. That's why it's important that we invest in laboratories, disease detectives, research, mosquito control, the public health system around the world to find, stop, track, prevent health threats.
The doctor who willingly accepts destroying life will have no grounds on which to object if the state should compel that doctor to destroy life.
My forces are not enfeebled, I find no decay in my strength; my provisions are not cut off, I find no abhorring in mine appetite; my counsels are not corrupted nor infatuated, I find no false apprehensions to work upon mine understanding; and yet they see that invisibly, and I feel that insensibly, the disease prevails.
Alzheimer's is a disease for which there is no effective treatment whatsoever. To be clear, there is no pharmaceutical agent, no magic pill that a doctor can prescribe that will have any significant effect on the progressive downhill course of this disease.
At either end of any food chain you find a biological system-a patch of soil, a human body-and the health of one is connected-literally-to the health of the other.
As we dread any disease that undermines the health of the body, so should we deplore contention, which is a corroding canker of the spirit.
Medicine deals with the states of health and disease in the human body. It is a truism of philosophy that a complete knowledge of a thing can only be obtained by elucidating its causes and antecedents, provided, of course, such causes exist. In medicine it is, therefore, necessary that causes of both health and disease should be determined.
To ward off disease or recover health, people as a rule find it easier to depend on healers than to attempt the more difficult task of living wisely.
I will continue to pave the way and share my health journey with the world until I find a cure and proper diagnostic testing for this silent killer called Lyme disease.
Without health there is no happiness. An attention to health, then, should take the place of every other object.
When we lose people we love, we should never disturb their souls, whether living or dead. Instead. we should find consolation in an object that reminds you of them, something...I don't know...even an earring
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