Scientific fraud, plagiarism, and ghost writing are increasingly being reported in the news media, creating the impression that misconduct has become a widespread and omnipresent evil in scientific research.
One day we will look back and realize that the Barack Obama Presidency was the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.
Is the Scientific Paper a Fraud?
The old scientific ideal of episteme - of absolutely certain, demonstrable knowledge - has proved to be an idol. The demand for scientific objectivity makes it inevitable that every scientific statement must remain tentative for ever.
Fraud is fraud. And consumers of any product - whether you want to buy a car, participate in fantasy football - our laws are very strong in New York and other states that you can't commit fraud.
We're going after the possibilities of tax fraud, insurance fraud, securities fraud. We're going to look at this stuff very closely. We have the jurisdiction, we have the resources, and we have the will.
Jyoti Basu is the biggest fraud, cheat, and con man in West Bengal.
This is probably the biggest environmental disaster we have ever faced in this country. It is certainly the biggest oil spill and we are responding with the biggest environmental response.
We all know of course, that we should never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever fiddle around in any way with electrical equipment. NEVER.
I will be the biggest WWE Superstar the WWE has ever seen. I will be the biggest movie star movies have ever seen. I will be the biggest TV star that TV has ever seen. I will be the biggest person in the world.
If you see fraud and do not say fraud, you are a fraud.
Lance Armstrong is not the biggest fraud in the history of world sport. US Postal was not the most sophisticated doping programme.
Newt Gingrich called it [Donald] Trump`s biggest mistake since he won the election, these crazy accusations about voter fraud.
Unlike those theists who at least pay lip service to science and scientific method, Johnson is out to convict science of fraud in the court of public opinion.
The freedom to make and admit mistakes is at the core of the scientific process. If we are asked to forswear error, or worse, to say that error means fraud, then we cannot function as scientists.
You constantly hear about voter fraud... but you don't see huge amounts of vote fraud out there.