A Quote by Andy Beshear

I believe Kentucky has a big, bright future, with more good-paying jobs and opportunities for families to get ahead in every single one of our 120 counties. — © Andy Beshear
I believe Kentucky has a big, bright future, with more good-paying jobs and opportunities for families to get ahead in every single one of our 120 counties.
Prioritizing infrastructure will not only improve the quality of life of every Kentuckian, it will also make Kentucky more competitive for the jobs of the future in key growth industries like agritech and advanced manufacturing, while creating good-paying construction jobs along the way.
It's nonsense. If, in fact, putting one out of four people in the state of Kentucky on Medicaid created 12,000 jobs and $30 billion in economic prosperity, why wouldn't we put every single person in the state of Kentucky on Medicaid? We'd create 48,000 jobs by that logic and $120 billion worth of economic advantage.
We're focused on creating good-paying jobs of the future, where Kentucky has the opportunity to lead the country.
This is about right vs. wrong - and focusing on our values of faith, family and hard work so we can help Kentucky families who are falling behind. While Matt Bevin cares about the special interests, we're fighting to improve public education, expand access to health care, protect pensions, and create more good-paying jobs.
People say to me all the time, "Oh, you do such a good job unifying the House Democrats." I say, "I don't. Our values unify us. We are unified with our commitment to America's working families about job creation, about budget policies that invest in the future, good-paying jobs."
The Keystone Pipeline would create good-paying jobs. Not only where the pipeline is being built, good-paying construction jobs, but manufacturing and service opportunities in Colorado along with the Keystone Pipeline.
The fabric of North Carolina and what makes our state so special is our families and our common desire for a brighter future for our children. No matter what your family looks like, we all want the same thing for our families - happiness, health, prosperity, a bright future for our children and grandchildren.
Obama and the liberal Democrats fail to represent the silent majority: the conservative women who are too busy raising families, paying bills, and making a living. These women prefer to listen to Rush Limbaugh, not Nancy Pelosi, and want their children to have jobs and a bright future in this great country.
As somebody who campaigned to leave the EU, I believe we have a bright future ahead of us- but we have to get it right.
I'm not going to fearmonger to win an election. I'm going to focus on the positive opportunities we have for a bright future for all of our families, where everyone has the freedom and opportunity to thrive.
We're fighting to lift up Kentucky workers by creating more good-paying jobs, lowering the cost of prescription drugs, expanding access to health care, and making public education a top priority.
Jobs are disappearing from every sector of the economy, from engineering to health care workers, forcing hundreds of thousands of families into unemployment and low-paying jobs.
Latinos are concerned about the same pocketbook issues that matter to most middle class Americans - creating good-paying jobs in this country, making sure our children get a quality education, and ensuring that our families have access to affordable and quality healthcare.
We don't believe in limiting access to our product. We believe that making our ticket sales available on as many sites as possible is good for the studios and good for us. We have on any given day 25,000 show starts - five show times at 5,000 screens. We have 1M seats more or less in our circuit. So I have 25M sales opportunities every single day. Why would I want to limit access?
Hillary Clinton: putting big government spending financed by the Chinese ahead of good-paying jobs for middle-class Americans. Is she guilty or not guilty?
Whether you're a Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative, it is clear that we've got big problems that we need to address, starting with making our economy more competitive so that we can create more good-paying jobs for the middle class.
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