A Quote by Andy Beshear

Kentuckians deserve a governor who will support affordable health care, a secure retirement, and respect the rights of workers like access to safe working conditions and wages that can support a family.
As governor, I'll treat hard-working families with the respect that they deserve by being laser-focused on creating good-paying jobs with benefits and secure retirements; and expanding access to affordable health care.
This partisan decision by a packed GOP state Supreme Court takes away worker's rights to bargain for a safe place to work. It underscores the need to vote for me in Aug. 12th primary. As governor, I will call a special session of the Legislature on day one to restore workers' rights, health care and retirement.
My comprehensive health care plan will lower costs, strengthen Medicaid, and codify protections for people with pre-existing conditions into state law. That will lift up all working families. But our veterans face unique challenges and they deserve a governor who will deliver them specific solutions to expand access and increase options.
We need to do more to support working families, like guarantee access to paid sick and parental leave and make sure every parent has access to quality, affordable child care.
Coal miners work hard and deserve our respect. They also deserve a governor who fights for policies that will give them a fair shot to support their families and get ahead. That's exactly what I'll deliver as governor.
We must protect those with pre-existing conditions and ensure that every American family has access to quality, affordable health care.
I'll put working families first by fighting to increase access to affordable health care, improve our public schools, and create more jobs that pay good wages.
We must ensure that every worker has healthcare and is able to save for their retirement. We must ensure that our workers have safe and health working conditions.
I will fight every day to protect the health of our communities, to provide comprehensive care for our women and our mothers, to defend coverage for those who have pre-existing conditions, and to ensure that all Americans have access to affordable, quality health care.
I support defunding the police - particularly the militarization of our police force and reallocating those resources toward public health. And not just health care but mental health support, affordable housing, education, alternatives to incarceration, non-emergency responses to those who might be in mental distress.
By all working together, we can beat Matt Bevin and actually create more good-paying jobs, boost wages for workers, expand access to health care, and improve our public schools.
American patients deserve more access to quality, affordable health care.
I will continue to support legislation that provides American families and Seniors affordable health care.
We must defend the rights of working people to bargain collectively for fair wages and safe working conditions.
By giving every American access to quality, affordable health care, they will create a more competitive, a stronger and more secure America!
The 'People's Budget' rewards hard work and invests in our country. It ensures that everyone has an opportunity to get a good education, find a good job, live in a safe and secure home, put food on the table, have affordable health care, save for retirement, and maybe have a little left over.
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