A Quote by Andy Beshear

Our commitment to veterans requires that we fight for access to affordable health care. — © Andy Beshear
Our commitment to veterans requires that we fight for access to affordable health care.
I will fight every day to protect the health of our communities, to provide comprehensive care for our women and our mothers, to defend coverage for those who have pre-existing conditions, and to ensure that all Americans have access to affordable, quality health care.
Health insurance needs to be affordable and available for everyone, not just the wealthy. I will always fight to improve the access, level of care, and affordability of health care.
Too many families are falling behind and we need to fight tooth-and-nail to boost wages, expand access to affordable health care, and improve our public education system.
I'll continue to work with my colleagues to fight efforts to roll back access to affordable health care for Nevadans.
Our message of ensuring every Hoosier has access to a quality education that turns into a good paying job, that ultimately leads to a meaningful career with access to affordable health care, is resonating.
We need a vibrant Medicaid program and strategies to expand affordable access to health care for all, especially for the specialty care services that community health centers do not provide.
If we're going to be able to provide access to quality, affordable health care to every American - we need to have the trained health care professionals inside hospitals to provide that care.
I won't stop fighting to give Nevadans access to affordable health care just because my husband is a doctor, just like I won't stop standing up for veterans because my father served in World War II.
I won’t stop fighting to give Nevadans access to affordable health care just because my husband is a doctor, just like I won’t stop standing up for veterans because my father served in World War II.
The Veterans Health Administration's socialized style of medicine, where the government is in charge of the hospitals and managing our veterans' health care, simply does not work.
It is important to remember the purpose of health care reform: to make sure Americans have access to quality, affordable health care - especially those individuals who were being denied by their insurance companies because they weren't profitable customers.
I offer a better way for America with ideas that actually work, a reformed tax code that rewards free enterprise instead of just enterprising lobbyists. A reformed health care system that operates by free choice instead of by force and doesn't leave you answering to cold, clueless bureaucrats. A commitment to a renewed commitment to building a 21st Century military and giving our veterans the care that they were promised and the care that they earned.
I'm fighting to do right by our neighbors by expanding access to affordable health care, improving public education, respecting our workers, and creating more good-paying jobs.
And I believe that if we can care about whether or not our neighbor has a good job or access to affordable health care for their children, and we move to implement the policies that can improve these situations, we will unleash vast amounts of human potential and recapture the American spirit.
Instead of attacking and dividing our people, I'll be a governor who is fully committed to respecting the hard work of our families by fighting for good-paying jobs and expanding access to affordable health care.
All Americans should have access to quality, affordable health care.
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