A Quote by Andy Stanley

The greatest thing you do as a leader may not 
 be what you do as a leader but who watches you 
 do what you do. — © Andy Stanley
The greatest thing you do as a leader may not be what you do as a leader but who watches you do what you do.
The greatest leader is not someone who is the only leader. The greatest leader is one who inspires others to be leaders.
I think you need to be a leader, not a captain. You may have seen a lot of captains in this country, but the most important thing is to be a leader.
It takes a leader to know a leader, grow a leader, and show a leader.
Use the longest leader you can handle. Usually you can handle one much longer than you imagine. Remember that the purpose of the leader is to conceal artificiality. If you believe a leader is at all necessary then you must admit that the longer the leader the better chances you have for success
It is the solemn obligation of a leader always to be a leader. Even when - perhaps especially when - you don't feel like being a leader.
The leader of the market today may not necessarily be the leader tomorrow.
I don't buy this 'be a leader' thing. You don't force a leader. It just happens.
When we're trying to decide whether a leader is a good leader or a bad one, the question to ask is: 'Is he with the Ten Commandments or is he against them?' Then you can determine if the leader is a true messiah or another Stalin.
The manager administers; the leader innovates. The manager has a short-range view; the leader has a long-range perspective. The manager asks how and when; the leader asks what and why. The manager has his eye on the bottom line; the leader has his eye on the horizon. The manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it.
The boss drives people; the leader coaches them. The boss depends on authority; the leader on good will. The boss inspires fear; the leader inspires enthusiasm. The boss says I; The leader says WE. The boss fixes the blame for the breakdown; the leader fixes the breakdown. The boss says, GO; the leader says Lets GO!
Since the team understands that the leader is de facto in charge, in that respect, a leader has nothing to prove. But in another respect, a leader has everything to prove: Every member of the team must develop the trust and confidence that their leader will exercise good judgment, remain calm, and make the right decisions when it matters most.
We know that England is crying for a leader, and that leader has emerged in the person of the greatest Englishman I have ever known, Sir Oswald Mosley... When the history of Europe comes to be written I can assure you that his name will not be second to either Mussolini or Hitler.
I am not the leader; I am a representative of the leader. The leader is the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, whom we believe is very much alive, and is directing me from where he is.
The core in the Juche outlook on the revolution is loyalty to the party and the leader. The cause of socialism and communism is started by the leader and is carried out under the guidance of the party and the leader.
The leader who loves books that tell him he is great and right may be worse than the leader who does not love books at all.
A person may forget 90% of what a leader says, but he will never forget how the leader lives.
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