A Quote by Andy Stern

Workers of the world unite, it's not just a slogan anymore. — © Andy Stern
Workers of the world unite, it's not just a slogan anymore.
The worker of the world has nothing to lose, but their chains, workers of the world unite.
Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains.
The true task is to unite and organize all workers...and it is the workers themselves who must secure freedom for themselves.
America's workers face a battle for their jobs. They are the finest workers in the world. American workers grow, harvest, and mine some of the world's highest quality and most plentiful raw materials.
Neglecting to bathe the ministry in prayer leaves us just workers, not worshipers. When we unite in prayer, there is incredible power.
Because when you unite, that is the power of God, you know. God love Love, which is unity. So when you unite, you get the whole power of God. That's what him want. Until Black people unite...if the Black people don't unite, the world, no one, no one can live good.
Comrades, just as the earth, after a long drought, pants for rain, so the workers of the world pant for the end of the accursed war, for unification. This striving of the workers for unification is the greatest factor in world history.
We need to try to unite audiences, unite countries, join musical tastes, unite people.
Now more than ever the world needs love, not just a slogan.
We are going to unite this people. We will unite whites and blacks, homosexuals and heterosexuals... We will unite bosses and employees, and we won't plant the seed of discord between them.
I think we will see a united labor movement again. When workers unite they're stronger. The same goes for unions.
If the workers of the world want to win, all they have to do is recognize their own solidarity. They have nothing to do but fold their arms and the world will stop. The workers are more powerful with their hands in their pockets than all the property of the capitalists. . . .
Idealists, workers of thought, unite to show how inspiration and genius walk in step with the progress of the machine, of aircraft, of industry, of trade, of the sciences, of electricity.
I want to use whatever resources in the world we can use, unite whatever force we can unite, ally with whichever partner we can find.
There is nothing in the world more pitiable than an irresolute man, oscillating between two feelings, who would willingly unite the two and who does not perceive that nothing can unite them
Today, America poses a threat to peace and security in the world. Therefore, the slogan "Death to America" is no longer used only by our people. Today, you see throughout the world people setting fire to the effigy of the American president and chanting the slogan "Death to America." This is because of the American regime's exaggerated demands, its arrogance, its vanity, and its desire to control, and because it is a pawn in the hands of the Zionists.
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