A Quote by Andy Townsend

Referees need help. Players are getting faster and fitter and too many referees are making decisions from behind the play. They see a tangle of legs, they are asked to make a decision with one, often obscured look at high speed.
People talk about the speed of the English game, but in Italy, referees blow their whistles very often, so you cannot build up speed. In England, referees wave play on, and so it becomes faster.
I knew there were certain relationships that existed between referees and players, referees and coaches and referees and owners that influence the point spreads in games.
We don't need referees in order to win the game; we just want it to be fair. You should look at all of the plays and then make a decision.
Even as they are now pointing to God and praising God for that victory, something terrible happens; there's a demonic spirit now that referees, and the officials, and they say Oh did you see that? He just referred to God. We need to stop that and we need to disqualify them! And they're punished for their righteousness by the demonic spirit that's inside the referees.
Referees will make good decisions and bad ones. But when they make decisions actually affecting a game of football, it's disappointing.
Fifteen referees. I want fifteen referees to be at this fight because there ain't no one man who can keep up with the pace I'm gonna set except me. There's not a man alive who can whup me. I'm too fast. I'm too smart. I'm too pretty. I should be a postage stamp. That's the only way I'll ever get licked.
Players thump their cue on the floor when the opponent is coming to the table, or at the table. And the referees need to show some more authority on this stuff. You don't see it so much with top players or on TV tables - they know they can't get away with it.
But referees have to remember there is a reason managers are being nice to them - we're hoping that it just might make the difference when there is a borderline decision.
There are many penalties which referees don't see. Sometimes they are right, and many other times, they are wrong. That is football.
Every goalkeeper has a different way of playing. Some will take risks to help the team - coming for high balls, being prepared to be attacked in the box knowing there is not much protection from the referees - but that might mean they make more mistakes. Some try to be safer to avoid those situations, but it does not help the team.
I don't say anything about referees' decisions, you have to accept them.
As a defender it can also be more frustrating to play in Italy because referees do not tolerate too much physical contact. I loved the physical nature of the game in England, but in Serie A I only have to look at a player and they sometimes fall to the floor!
High office teaches decision making, not substance. It consumes intellectual capital; it does not create it. Most high officials leave office with the perceptions and insights with which they entered; they learn how to make decisions but not what decisions to make.
The league feels like it's their job to protect the referees more than the players.
I have changed my behaviour on the pitch in England. Here referees talk to the players all the time. I think it is nice.
On how to make the game more exciting - Eliminate the referees, raise the basket four feet, double the size of the basketball, limit the height of the players to 5 feet 9 inches, bring back the centre jump, allow taxi drivers in for free and allow the players to carry guns.
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