A Quote by Andy Warhol

Looking younger and being younger is the adolescence idea. — © Andy Warhol
Looking younger and being younger is the adolescence idea.
The average age in the U.S. is now thirty-three, whereas Mexico gets younger and younger, retreats deeper and deeper into adolescence. Mexico is fifteen. Mexico is wearing a Hard Rock Cafe T-shirt and wandering around Tijuana looking for a job, for a date, for something to put on her face to take care of the acne.
I spent my whole adolescence, when you just want to be accepted, looking much younger than everyone else.
As the players get younger and younger, and the teams value younger players, the players' best years are when they're being paid the least.
I can play younger. It's better to be playing younger because you've got that experience, and it's hard to play older when you're younger.
Women do it all the time to look younger and it would make perfect sense if one of them ever came out looking younger - but they don't. They just look the same; they all get plastic surgery face. No matter who they look like going in, they all come out looking like the girl from the band on 'The Muppet Show.
While younger women are told to be thinner and prettier, ads for older women emphasize looking younger and wrinkle free - tapping into the insecurities that many of us have about getting older.
Being a little older is not going to win election. Being a little younger might, especially if the older candidates, Hillary Clinton included, can`t make the case that they have learned something that the younger crowd doesn`t know.
If we are the younger, we may envy the older. If we are the older, we may feel that the younger is always being indulged. In otherwords, no matter what position we hold in family order of birth, we can prove beyond a doubt that we're being gypped.
Well, a younger woman is a type, but not necessarily a type for me. And what is a younger woman? I mean, I'm pretty old. Almost everyone is younger.
Men are boys for such a long time and really don't start getting the great roles until they're in their mid-thirties. But then they've got a long time to do them, whereas for women, it's all about playing younger and younger and younger.
When you're the younger guy, you're kind of only looking after yourself. Obviously you have to be a bit selfish in terms of what you're doing. But when you're the older guy you have to look out for the younger guys as well. If they're making mistakes, they need help, then you help them.
Asleep, he looked a lot younger than going-on-seventeen, but I had noticed that Johnny looked younger when he was asleep too, so I figured everyone did. Maybe people are younger when they are asleep.
It's a very Aboriginal thing to do, to give younger people greater responsibilities within the community as they become able to take those responsibilities on. It is a culturally appropriate transfer of roles that involves respect in both directions.. from the younger to the older and the older to the younger.
I was a lot younger - when I wrote Water Lilies. I was like 26. It felt so natural to write about adolescence.
When you think of sexual liberation, which women wanted to have or not have children, which is the choice, not a command, and other kinds of things they wanted in their relationships with their husbands, or partners or what have you, became for subsequent generations some license that they themselves feel, that is absolutely demeaning and mean younger and younger and younger.
I was pretty scared of the idea as a younger person of being a musician on the road. It didn't occur to me as a possibility.
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