A Quote by Ani DiFranco

I did a lot of work with myself over the course of being pregnant and the first few months of being pregnant. It's nice, the pace of being pregnant; it gives you a long time to not just germinate a baby but germinate the mother that you're gonna be.
There is something very beautiful about being pregnant. I think I enjoy being pregnant more than not being pregnant. I know it could go either way, and the next pregnancy could be the complete opposite.
When I got pregnant, I had to concentrate on being pregnant for a whole nine months, even though I knew it was ruining my career at the time.
A part of me isn't like those women who love being pregnant. I love my baby, and I miss that feeling of being attached to him when he's kicking, but I was so ready to not be pregnant.
I think if you've never been pregnant, you can over play pregnant and you can do a lot of different things with pregnant.
Being pregnant is not license to forget all the rules that you abide by when you're not pregnant. Moving your body, getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and eating proper foods throughout the day are even more important when you're pregnant.
Women of color, particularly Black girls from economically challenged strati, we are told from the minute you start showing signs of being able to be impregnated: Don't get pregnant. You can't have sex because you might get pregnant. You can't wear short shorts because you might get pregnant. Don't talk to boys because you might get pregnant.
When I got pregnant with my first child I gained nearly 5st. I did a bit of pretending: "I'm just really small, so I just put on a lot of weight when I'm pregnant." That is true, but I also ate a lot of cake.
When I got pregnant with my first child, I gained nearly 5st. I did a bit of pretending: 'I'm just really small, so I just put on a lot of weight when I'm pregnant.' That is true, but I also ate a lot of cake.
I remember when I got pregnant, I had several peers of mine, women, who said to me, 'Now that you're pregnant, you're probably gonna give up the music thing, right?' I was like, 'I'm not crippled. I'm just having a baby.'
I think the days of putting your feet up when you're pregnant are long gone. Women who are nine months pregnant now have to work till the bitter end - they don't get to be on TV.
If I design another line, I will definitely design pieces that suit both pregnant and non-pregnant women. Being pregnant is one of the most amazing things, but it is a big change in a woman's life and body, and I think it is important she feels amazing all along her term. And being able to wear beautiful lingerie will definitely help.
When I started Net-a-Porter, I knew nothing. And I was pregnant. Starting a new venture and being pregnant for the first time are pretty similar in many ways. If you knew what was going to happen to you, you wouldn't venture down that road.
Being pregnant changes your body image. You watch your stomach expand. If that happened without being pregnant you'd be in deep distress! But because you're excited about what's going to happen, you view yourself differently.
Being pregnant changes you as a human being and it gives you a whole lot of mixed feelings.
I'm a mother of a three-year-old, but when I started 'California,' my son wasn't even a twinkle in my eye. Because the book took as long as it did, I wrote it before I was pregnant, while I was pregnant, and as a new mother - so I enjoyed a diversity of experiences while creating this world.
I did not know there was any controversy. I don't get a lot of time to read the fan forums, etc. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to have more storylines. I was just so happy to step in and pick up some of the slack for Emily while she was pregnant. It was so important for Emily to concentrate on her health and the well-being of her baby. In the end ... she is a great mother and her baby is adorable. I did not realize there was any controversy. LOL!
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