A Quote by Anita Bryant

I don't want America to be judged as God judged Sodom and Gomorrah. — © Anita Bryant
I don't want America to be judged as God judged Sodom and Gomorrah.

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If we don't get back to the word of God in this nation, I feel He will judge America just as he did Sodom and Gomorrah. I have a burden on this and I have a great concern to help awaken the American people to what's going on.
If God doesn't destroy Hollywood Boulevard, he owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.
The Pope should not flatter himself about his power nor should he rashly glory in his honor and high estate, because the less he is judged by man, the more he is judged by God. Still the less can the Roman Pontiff glory because he can be judged by men, or rather, can be shown to be already judged, if for example he should wither away into heresy; because he who does not believe is already judged, In such a case it should be said of him: 'If salt should lose its savor, it is good for nothing but to be cast out and trampled under foot by men.'
Maybe [Sodom and Gomorrah] isn't really about homosexuality, but about rape. If the angels had been female, and the men of Sodom said they wanted to 'know' them against their will, would people claim that the story shows heterosexuality is a sin?
If the national mind of America be judged of by its legislation, it is of a very high order ... If the American nation be judged of by its literature, it may be pronounced to have no mind at all.
A man is judged by the company he keeps, and a company is judged by the men it keeps, and the people of Democratic nations are judged by the type and caliber of officers they elect.
If it was up to me, I would send the gay community, who insisted on celebrating in Jerusalem, to Sodom and Gomorrah.
Policies are judged by their consequences but crusades are judged by how good they make the crusaders feel.
At the end of the day, my career is not going to be judged by one or two or three moments in time. It'll be judged by the longevity of it.
(Phillipians 3:14) No Lots wife here. No looking back at Sodom and Gomorrah here. Paul knows it is out there in the future, up ahead wherever heaven is taking us, that we will win "the prize" of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Cities are judged by their richest inhabitants and rural areas are judged
Indifferent acts are judged by their ends sins are judged by themselves.
We are not judged by what we are basically. We are judged by how hard we use what we have been given. Success means nothing to the Lord.
As a book is judged by its cover, so a fad is judged by its name.
As individuals, we will be judged in our lives by the totality of our actions. Not one thing will stand out. And I think that's how we get judged by our colleagues and that's how we get judged by the good lord.
Jesus walking on water is an allegory, not fluid mechanics. God destroying the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah is a warning, not a historical battle. Doubting Thomas is an example, not a person. The story of Noah, with all of its scientific and historical impossibilities, can be read the same way.
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