A Quote by Anna Netrebko

You should not starve yourself with stupid diets, which I don't believe in anyway. — © Anna Netrebko
You should not starve yourself with stupid diets, which I don't believe in anyway.
He always pictured himself a libertarian, which to my way of thinking means "I want the liberty to grow rich and you can have the liberty to starve". It's easy to believe that no one should depend on society for help when you yourself happen not to need such help.
I don't believe in diets, and no one should.
Stupid religion makes stupid beliefs, stupid leaders make stupid rules, stupid environment makes stupid health, stupid companions makes stupid behaviour, stupid movies makes stupid acts, stupid food makes stupid skin, stupid bed makes stupid sleep, stupid ideas makes stupid decisions, stupid clothes makes stupid appearance. Lets get rid of stupidity from our stupid short lives.
"Believe in yourself" - that makes sense. You should believe in yourself - you should believe that you're capable of great things - but you would hope that somebody would have some sort of self-awareness.
I believe that business shouldn't be done in the public's eye anyway. And I believe that business shouldn't be handled in the magazines anyway. Business should be handled in the room amongst the people you're doing business with.
I don't believe in diets, as I always put whatever I lost right back on again. I think we should all just eat healthily and get as much exercise as we can.
We all should choose our friends carefully. I used to think that no one could know me better than somebody else, because you're inside yourself, your body, you can't see yourself. If you think like that, you surround yourself with other people who are willing to tell you who you are, which are usually judgmental people ... we should really surround ourselves with the ones that adore us and believe in the highest of us.
I no longer believe in fad diets, crash diets... yes, I did have a jump-start because years ago I did get the liposuction and a tummy tuck, but I have to say that, if there is a poster child for plastic surgery and the jump-off to a new lifestyle, it would be me.
I love meat - I'm Cuban; I grew up eating meat, platanos, and arroz con pollo. I don't believe in starving yourself, but sometimes I do cleanses and diets to prepare for a role.
I am sure that I don't want to take up stupid roles. And by stupid, I refer to those which doesn't have any sense. A role should have some life in it, right?
I really do believe in clearing samples, and I believe that people should be compensated for them, but the laws are just so stupid.
You have to believe in yourself before the world has given you any indication that you should believe in yourself as a writer.
I think most diets are torture, which is why I don't believe in them. But, as is true with exercise, when you make a change and feel the benefits, you want to stick with it.
The world doesn't want you to know. They want you to believe. But there is a big difference between believing and knowing. Should you believe in yourself or should you know yourself?
The message is that if you believe in what you create, it's enjoyable and people will follow. The talented mangaka should know that; otherwise, no one would read or enjoy it. So believe in yourself. Believing in yourself is important.
Think for yourself, and believe in yourself. Keep your skeptical antennae tuned in and in good working order at all times. We are free to develop our own hypotheses, which should be based in available evidence. When it comes to faith, have faith in yourself. And don't forget to love, laugh, be kind to each other. Don't take things so seriously, especially yourself. If the universe is a cosmic joke, remember to giggle. And remember to be astonished.
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