Man, them engagement rings, boy, they cost a lot. I was looking at 'em. Cost like a thousand bucks, two thousand bucks, y'know. Three thousand bucks. Something like that- four thousand bucks. Big number divisible by a thousand, anyways.
You don't know what pressure is until you play for five bucks with only two bucks in your pocket.
When you can sell [empty seats] at the gate for an upgrade for 500 bucks or 600 bucks... it makes all the sense in the world.
You can have 10 bucks to 10 million bucks and if you got a crew, imagination and a lot of people willing to turn in some work next to nothing, you going to have a feature. But you can't get beyond how expensive marketing the movie is, it's so crushing.
My father is the man that, he will give you what he doesn't have, still. If he has 10 bucks and you need 10 bucks because you're sick or you don't have nothing to eat, he will give you 10 bucks. He will be at zero, but he will help you. That's the kind of man that my father is.
I'm after the bucks because bucks give you the power, power gives you the freedom, and freedom lets you send money home to your mother.
If you look like a million bucks, people might assume you come from a million bucks.
Not only as designers, but as creatives, we're all about the importance of creating that super chic space that feels like a million bucks without having to spend a million bucks.
I was in Bucks County at the 'Bucks County Currier Times,' which is a great place to start for any reporter who wants to start out.
Mickey Rourke's character in 'The Wrestler' - that was my dad, that was my uncles, that was so many members of my family. It was the only thing they knew. And then they would end up wrestling for a hundred bucks, go to autograph signings for two hundred bucks.
Incentivizing more clinics to incentivize the young women, to may or may not want to have an abortion to say, you know what, if we talk her into an abortion, we'll be able to sell it for 75 bucks up to 300 bucks.
Friday was Atlanta. That was fifteen bucks. Once a month, we made a six hundred mile trip from Indianapolis down to Atlanta, and at fifteen dollars, by the time you feed yourself and buy gasoline, you're minus about ten bucks.
People are quick to say with their mouth full, 'Well, the American farmer is on the dole.' But a loaf of bread is two bucks when it could be 10 bucks. I know what it is with the government in my business. We would be all for not having government in our business, but we need a fair system.
The doc told me I had a dual personality. Then he lays an 82 dollar bill on me, so I give him 41 bucks and say, 'Get the other 41 bucks from the other guy.'
The biggest thing is getting the kid in a kart - they have to buy it and that's the biggest thing. You can go to a sporting store and buy a basketball for 30 bucks or a football for 30 bucks. You go buy a go-kart and that's 300 bucks. What are you going to get? A basketball or a go-kart?
I like to play golf. You know, make a little money, lose a little money. Get 10 bucks, lose 20 bucks.