A Quote by Annette Curtis Klause

You're too busy writing the next book to worry about Googling yourself all the time. — © Annette Curtis Klause
You're too busy writing the next book to worry about Googling yourself all the time.
I try not to worry about rewriting books that worked well the first time. I'm too busy writing new books to worry about things that are already in print.
I try not to worry about rewriting books that worked well the first time. I'm too busy writing new books to worry about things that are already in print
It's not at all uncommon for a writer to get a ton of publicity for one book and then not get as much for the next one. I don't worry about that because I try to worry about the one single part of the job I can control: the writing of the book. If I do that well, I feel, good tidings generally will follow and readers will stick with me.
You learn so much with each book, but it's what you teach yourself by writing your own books and by reading good books written by other people - that's the key. You don't want to worry too much about other people's responses to your work, not during the writing and not after. You just need to read and write, and keep going.
When I start on a book, I have been thinking about it and making occasional notes for some time... So I have lots of theme, locale, subjects and technical ideas... I don't worry about long periods of not doing anything. I know my subconscious is busy.
My dad told me this a long time ago, never worry about what your next job is, just worry about what you are doing right then. As I grow older, I couldn't agree more with that advice. Sometimes you get so worried about what's next that you fail to appreciate what you have.
We hurt people by being too busy. Too busy to notice their needs. Too busy to drop that note of comfort or encouragement or assurance of love. Too busy to listen when someone needs to talk. Too busy to care.
I'm too busy. I have no time for worry.
I am too busy. I have not time for worry.
I don’t have time to worry about the things that could happen. I am too busy thinking of all the happy things that have happened.
To give so much time to the improvement of yourself That you have no time to criticise others, To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, And too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
Books are up against TV and movies and video games and a multimedia society that is so busy that people don't have contemplative time any more. I worry deeply about this. In fact, I worry about everything all the time. I used to be a punk. All I wanted to do was tear everything down, and that was so much easier.
I don't really worry about things, I'm too busy.
The first person you should think of pleasing, in writing a book, is yourself. If you can amuse yourself for the length of time it takes to write a book, the publisher and the readers can and will come later.
I'm too busy playing to worry about the movement or the fingerboard.
Facts are too busy being true to worry about how you feel about them.
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